Franky erscheint in seiner neuesten Form, als General Franky. Obwohl Buffalo, zusammen mit Baby5 ihn unter Beschuss halten, kriegt dieser nicht einmal einen Kratzer ab. Schließlich gelingt es den beiden, mit Hilfe einer besonders Starken Attacke, die Panzerung des Generals zu durchdringen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Franky and his mech puts up a good fight against the two subordinates of Doflamingo and he sends them flying away with a portable version of the Thousand Sunny's Gaon Cannon, but the two refused to stay defeated despite their injuries.
The fight however was interrupted with the arrival of the mine cart filled with all of the lab escapees. Seeing that Law is allied with the enemy and that the odds are against them, the two decided to hightail out of Punk Hazard along with Caesar Clown in their possession. Before Law could stop them, Luffy told Law that Usopp and Nami will handle this. The two Straw Hats proved Luffy right as they easily stopped the fleeing pirates and succeeded in capturing Caesar.
Meanwhile, far away from Punk Hazard, Doflamingo is still flying toward Punk Hazard imagining what torture he would inflict on the brats, while elsewhere on a giant penguin, a mysterious man is wondering which direction leads to Punk Hazard.
Il resto della ciurma raggiunge l'uscita dove il Generale Franky sta ampiamente tenendo testa a Baby 5 e Buffalo. Feriti ed in netta inferiorità numerica, i due tentano la fuga con Caesar venendo, tuttavia, fermati da Usop e Nami. Mentre Doflamingo continua a dirigersi verso Punk Hazard, altrove, una misteriosa figura sembra avere la stessa destinazione.
Franky Shogun continua enfrentándose a Buffalo y Baby 5 mientras los supervivientes del laboratorio huyen por el túnel que se derrumba a su paso. Franky utiliza el General Cannon, el ataque más poderoso del Shogun, y deja a sus rivales malheridos. En ese instante, los supervivientes salen del túnel. Aprovechando la distracción del momento, los asesinos cogen a Caesar y huyen del lugar. Nami y Usopp que se emplean al máximo para impedir que huyan. Mientras, Doflamingo sigue acercándose a la isla.
Luffy, os Chapéus de Palha, Law e o G5 finalmente
fogem das instalações em ruínas! Franky não está mais
sozinho na luta contra Baby 5 e Buffalo!
يودّع البحريّة والأطفال طاقم قبعة القش ذارفين الدموع. وفي تلك الأثناء، يعرض لو صفقة غادرة مع جوكر!