Brownbeard sucht nach seinen Männern, um ihnen von Caesars wahren Absichten zu berichten. Als er den Raum R-66 erreicht, sieht er eine Überwachungsteleschnecke und ruft den Wachen der Insel zu, dass sie Caesar nicht länger vertrauen sollen. Caesar beschließt daraufhin, zu Brownbeard zu gehen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Zoro carries Tashigi away from the poisonous gas. Sanji and the G-5 marines continue to assist Chopper, who is trying to get sedative injected into all the children. Usopp finds a door that leads to the room where Caesar and his subordinates are watching the Straw Hats and the Marines on a screen. Caesar notices Brownbeard on the screen, and confronts him. Brownbeard tells Caesar that he wants to get his crew back, but Caesar tells him they were all killed by the poison gas. Brownbeard tries to warn Caesar's subordinates, but Caesar drugs him to keep him quiet. Caesar orders his subordinates to get rid of Brownbeard, and they fire at him. Luffy arrives just in time and punches Caesar, before asking him about the island. Caesar tells him Punk Hazard is not supposed to exist, and nobody is supposed to know what happens on that island. Vergo covers up any information abut that island and anything that happens there - the SAD production is run by Donquixote Doflamingo, and SAD produces SMILE, an artificial Zoan Devil Fruit. One of the Yonko, Kaido, is forming an army of people who have eaten these artificial fruits. Caesar challenges Luffy to dare pick a fight with such people, only for Luffy to punch Caesar, and tell him that he has been picking fights all along.
Barbabruna raggiunge l'edificio R e tenta di rivelare la verità su Caesar ai sottoposti di quest'ultimo; lo scienziato interviene e, dopo averlo indebolito con un rilassante muscolare, gli rivela che gli uomini della sua ciurma sono morti a causa di Shinokuni e che fu lui a causare l'incidente di quattro anni prima. Barbabruna tenta di attaccarlo furibondo, ma Caesar ordina ai suoi uomini di sparargli e questi, seppur esitando, eseguono; Rufy interviene salvandolo dal colpo di grazia di Caesar, e lo scienziato tenta di intimidirlo spiegandogli di avere le spalle coperte da Doflamingo ed un imperatore con cui il membro della Flotta dei 7 è in affari. Rufy, per nulla intimorito, lo colpisce violentemente.
Chopper intenta salvar a Mocha después de que la niña haya injerido todos los caramelos con droga para salvar a sus amigos. Mientras, Chahige llega hasta Caesar con la intención de recuperar a sus hombres, pero Caesar se burla de él antes de herirlo mortalmente. Luffy llega en ese momento lleno de ira dispuesto a terminar con Caesar y todos los que estén detrás de él.
Barba Marrom tenta salvar os soldados, revelando a verdadeira identidade de Caesar. Porém, o Mestre consegue distorcer suas palavras, e vilmente dissimula os fatos. Após contemplar a gargalhada triunfante de Caesar, a fúria de Luffy chega ao ápice!
يحاول اللّحية البنّيّة إنقاذ الجنود عن طريق الكشف عن هويّة سيزار الحقيقيّة. لكن يتمكّن سيزار من تحريف كلامه وإخفاء الحقيقة ببراعة. بعد أن رأى سيزار يضحك بانتصار، يستشيط لوفي غضبًا!