Mocha flüchtet noch immer vor den anderen Kindern während Nami, Robin und Chopper versuchen, diese mit Beruhigungsmitteln wieder zur Besinnung zu bringen. Als Mocha in einen Hinterhalt gerät und von einigen Kindern umzingelt wird, entschließt sie sich, sämtliche Süßigkeiten selbst zu schlucken, um ihre Freunde zu beschützen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Mocha is running away with the candy so the children won't be able to get their hands on it and eat it. Chopper, Robin and Nami attempt to stop the children, but they eventually catch up to Mocha. She then eats all of the candy so that the other children won't be able to. Mocha wants to sacrifice herself for her friends. Zoro and Tashigi run away from the poison gas and are meeting up with the rest of the group. Chopper flashes back to when he and Mocha were discussing why the candy was bad to eat, while attempting to bar the door against the enraged children.
Luffy and Momonosuke manage to escape from the garbage chute. At the top, they are attacked by some of Caesar's sheep-men, but Luffy easily dispatches them using his Haoshoku Haki. Luffy leaves one of Caesar's men conscious, so that he can ask him where Caesar is.
Nonostante gli sforzi di Nami, Robin e Chopper, Mocia viene raggiunta da alcuni bambini; per evitare che questi si cibino di nuovo della droga di Caesar, la bambina mangia tutte le caramelle, crollando a terra per l'overdose. Sanji e i marine del G-5 li raggiungono, aiutando Chopper a sedare i bambini, per poi portarlo con Mocia verso la sala medica. Rufy, intanto, riesce a risalire la discarica con Momonosuke ed estorce a uno dei sottoposti di Caesar la posizione dello scienziato.
Monet es derrotada y Zoro carga con Tashigi, que se encuentra malherida mientras el gas venenoso empieza a entrar en la Sala de las Galletas. Cerca de allí, Mochi sigue huyendo del resto de niños mientras Robin y Nami intentan detenerlos. Desgraciadamente, y ante la aterrada mirada de Chopper, Mochi se ve acorralada y actúa en consecuencia para intentar salvar a sus amigos, y para ello no duda en poner su vida en un grave peligro.
Com o doce em mãos, Mocha tenta fugir a todo custo, mas é cercada pelas demais crianças. Quando elas quase conseguem pegar o doce, Mocha resolve agir, fazendo ecoar o grito desesperado de Chopper.
تحاول موتشا الهرب يائسةً وهي تحمل الحلوى، لكنّ الأطفال المخبولين يحاصرونها. وحينما أوشك الأطفال على أخذ الحلوى، تقدم موتشا على حركة مفاجئة جعلت صراخ تشوبّر الأليم يتردّد صداه!