Die Crew der Strohhutpiraten will erneut die Kinder befreien, die der Meister sich zurückgeholt hat. Als sie von dem Drachen angegriffen werden, mit dem sie ins Labor gekommen sind, erklärt ihnen Brownbeard, dass der ohne Beruhigungsmittel nicht zu bändigen sei. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Though most of the G-5 Marines got through the gate safely, they were attacked by the small dragon who after a while flew away in fear. The marines cheered as their beloved Vice Admiral Vergo shows up but that turned to horror when he brutally assaulted them. Tashigi tries to defend them from him, but was viciously struck down. That action was enough to cause Sanji to come to the rescue, claiming he heard her tears falling. The Straw Hats (minus Sanji) and Brownbeard were still heading towards the end of the passage until the small dragon shows up and begins to attack them while Brownbeard suggests that he keeps running. Chopper manages to run into Mocha who was still hallucinating and manages to defeat the soldiers trying to apprehend her and give her a sedative to calm her down. Chopper then pleaded for her help to prevent the other children from eating the drugged candy. Meanwhile, Luffy and Smoker were racing towards building C where they believed Caesar and Vergo were located. They entered the private room where Caesar was angrily ordering Monet to release the poison gas on the marines only to turn around in shock of seeing Luffy fist buried in his stomach, who declared that he won't let Caesar escape again.
Vergo raggiunge Tashigi ed i marine e comincia a mietere vittime. La ragazza, dopo aver ricordato i primi tempi come sua sottoposta al G-5, lo attacca, ma viene sconfitta con pochi colpi. Prima del colpo di grazia, tuttavia, sopraggiunge Sanji, il quale comincia a combattere con il vice ammiraglio. Chopper raggiunge Mocha e, dopo averle dato un sedativo per placare la crisi, si fa condurre alla Stanza dei Biscotti per impedire agli altri bambini di prendere altre caramelle drogate. Rufy e Smoker, intanto, raggiungono il laboratorio di Caesar, il quale ha deciso di far penetrare Shinokuni nel passaggio di collegamento per colpire i marine del G-5, ed il capitano lo colpisce subito.
La capitana Tashigi ha perdido a muchos hombres dentro del bloque A, algunos incluso se han sacrificado por salvarla, pero su desgracia no acaba ahí, ya que Vergo hace acto de presencia y empieza a liquidar a los soldados del G-5 a su paso. Tashigi no puede hacer nada contra él, pero cuando sus lágrimas tocan el suelo aparece un salvador.
Por otro lado, Chopper encuentra a uno de los niños, Mocha, que se resiste a volver a la Sala de las Galletas, y tras darle un tranquilizante, consigue convencerla para que le ayude a impedir que el resto de niños tomen caramelos.
Mientras, Luffy y Smoker se dirigen al Bloque C para encontrarse con Vergo y Caesar.
Luffy avança contra Caesar, enquanto Sanji salva uma dama em perigo e Chopper tenta evitar que as crianças ingiram os doces contaminados!
يسارع لوفي نحو سيزار آملاً أن يوسعه ضربًا، وسانجي ينقذ آنسة في ورطة بينما يحاول تشوبّر منع الأطفال من أكل الحلوى المخدّرة!