Ruffy ist endlich zu Caesar vorgedrungen und greift ihn sofort an. Ein wilder Kampf der Teufelskräfte beginnt! In Turm A muss sich Sanji mit Vergo auseinandersetzen, der mit Caesar unter einer Decke steckt. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Luffy finally reaches Caesar's room and immediately punches the scientist, while Smoker leaves in order to find Vergo. Meanwhile, Sanji faces off Vergo while the passage between buildings A and B is closing and the previous one is opening, letting the poison gas enter. During the fight with Caesar, he tries to drain the oxygen in the area to kill Luffy, but fails once he enters Gear Second and use some attacks with Haki, making the scientist angry to the point of using some techniques as oxygen-made sword and fire bursts. Meanwhile, both Sanji and Vergo start running away from the gas. During this fight, Trafalgar Law makes his way to building D, where the SAD is made and Monet decides to enter the fight to protect Caesar, while he flies away, and reveals her snow abilities.
Rufy e Caesar cominciano a combattere ferocemente, così come Sanji e Vergo. Mentre Smoker parte alla ricerca di quest'ultimo, i marine e la ciurma proseguono verso l'uscita. Quando Rufy sta per avere la meglio sullo scienziato, Mone interviene facendogli scudo coi suoi poteri e permettendogli di ritirarsi poiché se capitasse qualcosa a Caesar Doflamingo la ucciderebbe. Law, intanto, arriva alla stanza di produzione del SAD nell'edificio D: questo evento allarma l'intera struttura e fa abbandonare a Vergo il proprio combattimento per precipitarsi dal membro della Flotta dei 7, del quale sembra avere capito, come Mone e Caesar, le reali intenzioni.
Sanji y Vergo se enfrentan en una dura batalla a contrarreloj ya que el pasillo donde se encuentran empieza a llenarse del gas letal del exterior. Por su parte, Luffy y Caesar luchan a muerte sin darse un respiro en el Bloque R. Smoker sale en busca de Vergo y Law llega a las puertas del misterioso SAD.
Cuando parecía que Luffy podría con Caesar, Monet interviene y salva al científico.
O confronto com Caesar começa! O Mestre usa as habilidades da Fruta Gas Gas que derrotou os Chapéus de Palha, e Luffy também dispara um poderoso ataque! A batalha fica ainda mais intensa!
يتقاتل سانجي وفيرغو بينما سحابة الغاز السّامّ تدنو منهما، ويجد لو غرفة قد تفسد العالم الجديد، ويأمل لوفي أن يضع حدًّا لحُكم سيزار القاسي!