Brownbeard, Kin’emon und die restlichen Strohhüte haben es in das Labor geschafft und dabei ein Loch in das Tor gesäbelt, das kurz darauf von den G5-Marine-Soldaten schnell abgedichtet wird, damit die Giftwolke nicht eindringen kann. Inzwischen ist die ganze Insel mit dem Gas eingenebelt, und nachdem Nami und Sanji wieder in ihre Körper zurückgekehrt sind, erklärt Law allen, dass sich im Gebäude R-66 ein Durchgang zum Meer befindet. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Though the Straw Hats and Brownbeard managed to escape into the lab, they left behind a gaping hole. But they soon realise that Shinokuni can now enter the lab. The G-5 Marines panickly seals the hole back up with various wooden and metal planks. They succeeded in sealing the hole as Shinokuni proceeds to spread throughout the island. Brook uses the power of his Devil Fruit to become a soul and survey the area outside of the lab, noting that 'it was like the land of the dead'. After regaining their senses, the G-5 marines then turn their guns and swords towards the Straw Hats preparing to arrest them. Nami notices Law and demands him to switch back her's and Sanji's body, to which Sanji secretly refuses. Law agrees to return them to their original bodies and uses Shambles to switch their hearts back. Nami notices that she was wearing a different coat and punches Sanji, accusing him for peeping at her body. Law then explains to everyone present that they only have two hours to escape, he then continues by saying the only passage that leads safely leads out of the island is called R-66 and is found in Room R. The marines were reluctant, but quickly changes their mind when Smoker repeated the order to them. Smoker then orders Tashigi to take command of the men and rescue the children as he goes to confront Vergo. Meanwhile, Caesar Clown is celebrating the deaths of his victims but notices that the cage has no solidifed bodies, which he needed to prove the power of Shinokuni. He also notices the absence of the G-5 Marines. Vergo states that Luffy and the others must have broken out of the cage and helped the G-5 soldiers escape. Before Luffy went to fight Caesar again, Zoro calls out to Luffy reminding him that this is just the beginning of the New World and he mustn't let his guard down again, and Luffy happily complies as he plows through the Satyr soldiers. Caesar Clown then receives the news that the Straw Hats and Marines have broken into the Lab, leaving him alarm
I marine del G-5 riescono a richiudere l'entrata creata da Zoro e Kin'emon appena prima che Shinokuni entri nel laboratorio. Law, dopo aver riportato alla normalità Nami e Sanji, espone ai presenti la struttura del laboratorio, e dice ai marine di cercare l'uscita R-66 se vogliono prendere il mare senza incorrere in Shinokuni; Smoker ordina di recuperare i bambini rapiti e di scappare dall'isola rubando una nave; Nami e gli altri partono anche loro alla ricerca dei bambini, Kin'emon inizia a cercare il figlio, Rufy invece si dirige da Caesar per rapirlo. Smoker ordina inoltre a Tashigi di condurre gli uomini del G-5 mentre lui si recherà da Vergo per vendicarsi del suo tradimento. Una volta cominciato l'attacco, Caesar viene informato che Law, la ciurma di Cappello di Paglia ed i marine sono entrati nel laboratorio e si stanno dirigendo da lui, come precedentemente intuito da Vergo; quest'ultimo decide infine di uccidere Law, data la sua pericolosità.
Los Sombrero de Paja, a excepción de Franky, los marines a las órdenes de Smoker y Tashigi, los hombres de Chahige y Trafalgar Law, están a salvo dentro del laboratorio y preparados para empezar la ofensiva contra Caesar y Vergo, pero para llegar hasta ellos deberán cruzar todo el laboratorio hasta el bloque R. Smoker ordena a Tashigi que se haga cargo de sus hombres y busquen a los niños secuestrados para ponerlos a salvo mientras él va en busca de Vergo. Zoro pide a Luffy que se tome en serio la lucha y no baje la guardia.
Os Chapéus de Palha estão reunidos novamente após conseguirem evitar a ameaça do Shinokuni. Agora, sua única rota de fuga possível é pelo Edifício R, e eles seguem para iniciar seu contra-ataque!
التمّ شمل الجميع أخيرًا وعادوا إلى أجسادهم الأصليّة، ويترقّب طاقم قبّعة القشّ بينما لوفي ولو ينطلقان لتولّي مسؤوليّة سيزار وإنقاذ الأطفال!