Auf einer Insel in der Neuen Welt haben Kid und Killer ihre Rivalen Basil Hawkins und Scratchmen Apoo eingeladen, um eine Piraten-Allianz mit ihnen auszuhandeln. Scretchmen ist jedoch misstrauisch und jagt bei dem Treffen den Raum fast komplett in die Luft, da er einen Hinterhalt befürchtet. Law will aus dem Käfig vor Caesars Labor ausbrechen und bittet Franky, ein Kriegsschiff der Marine in Brand zu setzen, um in den Rauchschwaden unbemerkt entkommen zu können. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
As the Underworld Brokers watched the video feed of the captive Straw Hats and Marines, Eustass Kid and Killer decided to ignore it for more important matters, such as forming an alliance between the Kid pirates, On Air Pirates and the Hawkins Pirates.
Law then decided to set his plan into motion and orders Franky to blow a fireball at a destroyed ship, creating enough smoke to block the cage from being seen from outside. Law then breaks free, explaining that he switched the sea prism stones with fakes during his stay on the island, and proceeds to free the others and restoring Tashigi and Smoker in their own bodies while securing their aid. Franky however had to leave them and protect the thousand Sunny. Meanwhile, Zoro and Nami's group are still running away from Shinokuni and they manage to join up while escaping. Luffy's group managed to enter the Lab with the aid of Law and they opened the gate, allowing the G-5 marines to get in before closing the gate, but the rest of the Straw Hats were still outside. Seeing their only chance of hope closing, Zoro and Kine'mon effortlessly cut the gate open, getting everyone inside safely.
I vari acquirenti del Nuovo Mondo, tra cui Pekoms e Tamago, osservano le vicende di Punk Hazard sorpresi che Law, Rufy e Smoker siano stati catturati da Caesar. Kid e Killer, abbandonata la visione della trasmissione, iniziano a negoziare con le supernove Hawkins ed Apoo per formare anche loro un'alleanza. Law ordina a Franky di bruciare i resti della nave di Smoker, quindi, approfittando della copertura offerta dal fumo, con i suoi poteri libera sé stesso (nei mesi precedenti aveva sostituito alcune catene di agalmatolite con catene normali) e gli altri pirati, quindi offre a Smoker la salvezza in cambio del silenzio sui suoi trascorsi con Joker.
El gas tóxico Shinokuni continúa su avance imparable por toda la isla. Law consigue desprenderse de sus cadenas y libera al resto de prisioneros que había con él en la jaula colgante. Franky decide ir a por el Sunny mientras los demás entran al laboratorio gracias a los poderes de Law. Smoker, que ha recuperado su cuerpo, acepta cooperar con los piratas para llegar hasta Vergo. Mientras tanto, el resto de la banda que sigue en el exterior, corre desesperada hacia el laboratorio para evitar la nube de gas.
O Shinokuni desperta atenção de poderosos em todo o Novo Mundo. Os Chapéus de Palha e Law decidem confrontar o gás, e põem em prática um plano de fuga!
يخفي لو خدعة في جعبته قد تشكّل الفارق بين الموت والحياة. يجتمع زورو والبقيّة مع نامي وسانجي، لكن هل يستطيعون الوصول إلى برّ الأمان قبل أن يبتلعهم السّمّ؟!