Ruffy, Mr.3, Buggy und Bon Curry haben tatsächlich Level 4 erreicht! Allerdings werden sie dort bereits von der gesamten Gefängnisbelegschaft erwartet, die sie gefangen nehmen will. Als diese alle Ausgänge blockiert und Ruffy einkreist, nutzen Buggy und Mr.3 den Tumult, um sich abzusetzen. Und auf einmal versperrt Gefängnisdirektor Magellan höchstpersönlich dem Strohhut und Bon Curry den Weg… (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Magellan and his subordinates are making preparations of their own in order to capture the intruder and escaped convicts by splitting their forces to guard the stairs to the different Levels. After surviving the fall the group press on with Luffy leading the charge because he can smell food in the kitchen. Buggy, intent on following Luffy hopes to find booze in the kitchen, is stopped by Mr. 3 because he is worried about running into Magellan. Luffy and Bon Kurei defeat with ease the oncoming onslaught of Impel Down guards. The guards quickly report the casualties to the Chief Warden who then decides to intercept the intruders himself. Magellan halts Luffy's and Bon Kurei's advance by dropping himself in front of the them and declaring that he's had enough of their rampage.
Magellan et ses subordonnés font leurs propres préparatifs afin de capturer l'intrus et les condamnés évadés en divisant leurs forces pour garder les escaliers menant aux différents niveaux. Après avoir survécu à la chute, le groupe continue avec Luffy en tête car il peut sentir la nourriture dans la cuisine.
Sconfitto Minotauros, il pavimento sotto i piedi di Rufy e compagni cede facendoli cadere al livello sottostante. Mentre Hancock lascia Impel Down, Momonga viene a sapere che Shanks il rosso si sta battendo con Kaido nel Nuovo Mondo per prevenire che questo attacchi Barbabianca. Nel frattempo, Magellan ordina a Sady-Chan ed ai restanti Guardiani Demoniaci di mettersi a guardia delle scale che conducono al Livello 5 mentre Hannyabal si occuperà di quelle che portano al Livello 3. Intanto, Rufy e gli altri atterrano al Livello 4, dove è detenuto tra gli altri anche Das Bornes alias Mr. 1, riuscendo ad evitare le pozze di sangue bollente. Cappello di Paglia e Mr. 2 attraversano il livello in cerca di cibo fino a quando non vengono intercettati da Magellan.
Después de derrotar al minotauro, caen en el nivel 4. Momonga, la serpiente de Hancock, oye hablar de la lucha de Shanks contra Kaidou en el Nuevo Mundo para impedir la guerra. Magellan ordena a Sadi y al resto de los Guardias Demonio proteger la escalera al nivel 5, mientras que los guardias de Hannyabal están en el Nivel 3. Luffy y el Mr. 2 se abren camino a través de los guardias en busca de alimento hasta que Magellan los intercepta.
Buggy e os demais querem fugir, enquanto Luffy quer seguie para o nível 4. Em uma maré de sorte (ou azar), um acidente os leva para o nível 4. Mas o Diretor Magalhães acumulou todas as forças de Impel Down e os encontra para detê-los!
يتجنّب لوفي بصعوبة السّقوط في بركة من الدّم المغليّ، فقط ليجد نفسه وجهاً لوجه مع المأمور ماجلان. في هذه الأثناء خارج أسوار السّجن، تستعدّ أساطيل البحريّة لهجوم اللّحية البيضاء!