All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Universal Unity with John Hagelin

    • Gaia

    As he takes a break from a conference on non-duality in Dorn, Holland, Lilou Mace talks with John Hagelin. He is a unified field theorist, exploring the deepest truth and the deep unity of life, underlying and giving surface to everything. He explains the connection of the unified field of theory with ancient Vedic tradition to confirm the unity of life.From this tradition comes a transcending meditation, leading to Samadhi, which expands consciousness to experience the unified field. Samadhi can be achieved, easily and in minutes because consciousness is designed to transcend.

  • S01E02 Using Your Second Brain with Sonia Choquette

    • Gaia

    At the Palais-Royal in Paris, Lilou Mace meets with Sonia Choquette to discuss why we are here, on Earth, today. Sonia explains that she teaches people how to open their heart and use their second brain so they can use their full capacity as a human being. Your world becomes exponentially better when you live from a heart centered consciousnessThey go on to discussing the power of wondering, out loud, and how it effects your inspiration, and your approach to your daily life in a more heart centered way. This is living from a higher more intuitive level, not strictly from intellect and ego. Flow with the energy, resisting it can bring you to a dark place. Just let the energy be and dance away your frustrations.

  • S01E03 The Physics of 9/11 with Neils Harrit

    • Gaia

    In Denmark, near the border with Sweden, Lilou talks with Neils Harrit, Associate Professor, Emeritus, of Chemistry. He explains his own acceptance of the initial accounts of 9/11 and walks us through the stages of his growing skepticism of the official accounts. He feels that the official explanation is a violation of physical principals as explained by Isaac Newton. He offers that the only way the collapse of Building Seven could have happened is through a controlled explosion.He explains his own understanding of the chemical reactions that would have been involved for the controlled explosion. He also hints at potential negative implications for scientist who may present evidence that is contrary to the official accounts. There is a change in academia as to control and funding. The concern is that scientific information is now being regulated by the people in power and not by the scientists doing the work.In the end he is calls for an ethical forensic examination of all the evidence to determine if a crime really has occurred.

  • S01E04 Finding the Divine Within with Yvonne Frank Mansson

    • Gaia

    Taking in the sun on a beautiful day in Malmo, Sweden, Lilou meets with Yvonne Frank Mansson at the harbor. Franks is an author, channeler, and healer who has been given the charge to share messages of love being received from divine sources. The messages are about getting in contact with the universal family and truly understanding who you actually are - a divine being.She explains how she initially connected with spirit and started to receive the divine messages. These communications eventually led to her writing books that convey the healing messages from divine beings who are trying to bring to the world. All of the messages seem to have a common theme. To follow what is in your heart and to do something; it is about acting and not just thinking. To help people understand this she has developed and activation process which she describes.

  • S01E05 Choose Love with Michael Roads

    • Gaia

    Sitting in a field of flowers, on a cloudy day in Toulouse, France, Lilou Mace talks with Michael Roads about connecting with nature. People are often feeling disconnected, we can learn how to be connected to all things by experiencing this oneness in nature. This is simply done by listening and realizing things in nature, like a tree is a field of energy and you are a field of energy. These fields connect in a place of universal oneness.Another important matter is shifting the focus of attention and consciousness from lacking to abundance. It does sometimes take a moment of sheer terror to realize this shift. When you can admit, that you are on that razor’s edge and honestly accept all of those fears, they may not seem so bad. His overarching message, is no matter the conflict or the situation, choose love. That will have the greatest transformational effect than anything else.

  • S01E06 Embracing the Paradox with Tim Freke

    • Gaia

    Somewhere in Holland, on a rainy day in a cemetery, Lilou Mace talks with Tim Freke, author of The Mystery Experience. He is described as being an unordinary man – a free thinker and a philosopher. This notion is confirmed in the very animated interview he gives, as he is bristling with energy.In this discussion, Tim offers a new way of thinking he called para-logical thinking. By embracing paradox and accepting it as part of the solution, you will begin to gain an awakening. This is the place where he thinks deep science and deep spirituality can coexist perfectly.

  • S01E07 Ten Life-Changing Seconds with Derek Mills

    • Gaia

    In Windsor, Lilou talks with Derek Mills, an international motivational speaker and author of Ten Second Philosophy. His work stems from a profound personal experience that changed his life: he had a ten-second moment of perfectly clear introspection. Now, he helps people find their own ten seconds of clarity.A major part of his work is to help people stop setting goals and to work on setting standards. It is about looking for who you really are on the inside and commit to living to that standard, just for today. Set standards on what you think is your purpose, and then be yourself around that standard.

  • S01E08 Calming the Restless Mind with Steve Taylor

    • Gaia

    Braving the cold, Lilou sits with Steve Taylor, lecturer and author of seven books including, Back to Sanity, Out of Darkness, Waking from Sleep and The Fall. At a very young age, he became spiritually aware and has worked to integrate his spirituality into every aspect of his life. This has given him the unique perspective that collectively, there may be something not quite right with human beings. He calls it Humania and believes that it can be healed.Humania is the constant restlessness of the mind, just on the surface. Underneath it all is a vast sea of endless stillness. We need to tame the surface, to heal the discord and maintain permanent contact with the stillness underneath. Taylor explains how this stillness, and connection to oneness, can be integrated into every aspect of your daily life.

  • S01E09 Finding Joy in the Moment with Anita Moorjani

    • Gaia

    Anita Moorjani, who has had what may be the most relevant near death experience on record, sits with Lilou in Glasgow, Scotland. She tells details of her NDE, what she saw, heard, felt, and most importantly, the overall feeling of love. During her experience she gained a new sense of love and understanding and now teaches the wisdom she has gained.Discovering who you really are may be the most important part of happiness. The biggest clue to discover who you really are is to look for what makes you really happy and what makes your heart sing. Then, live your life to its fullest, by being authentic to yourself. It will be like a light giving other people permission to do the same. In addition, she explains the difference between normal human love vs. universal unconditional love and how to apply that to real world relationships

  • S01E10 Empowering Manifestation with Dean Griffiths

    • Gaia

    In Windsor, England, Lilou joins Dean Griffiths, a spiritual life coach, to talk about energy, chakras, and energy blockages. He explains how we get locked into behavioral patterns, at a young age, that are not our own and do not serve our own greater purpose. By understanding why you are here, and what you are doing with your life, you can create whatever you want; your mind can create anything.It is important to look for synchronicities and simply let go of expectations in order to empower positive manifestations. To do this, he offers techniques that can be used to change beliefs patterns as well as emotional patterns and behaviors. All of this is part of his work with his clientele where he helps people with everything from relationships to money.

  • S01E11 Change Your Brain with David Hamilton

    • Gaia

    The day before he is due to give a big lecture, Lilou talks with David Hamilton in Glasgow Scotland. He explains how his research into brain chemistry led him to the concept of Neroplasticity. This is where the structure of the brain actually changes by visualizing or imagining the same thing over and over again.Part of his research shows a correlation of deepest parts of our minds to quantum entanglement. It is easy to write off his information as pure fantasy, but he pairs his findings with the results of other scientific studies. Now, he is garnering attention from the scientific community. He shares tips and techniques that really work.

  • S01E12 The Impact of Happiness with Linda Cruse

    • Gaia

    In Windsor, England, Lilou talks with Linda Cruse, author of Marmalade and Machine Guns. She shares some of her life history, what led her astray from her life’s path, and how she found it again. It all started with a profound experience that caused her to re-evaluate her life and what everything in it really meant to her. This caused her to become more aware of what made her happy, and she spent more of her time pursuing what made her happy.Now, she helps the private sector and works with relief efforts, all over the world, from earthquakes and floods. In this discussion, she explains that anyone can have a huge impact on the lives of other people. It is important to learn what gifts you have, by learning what makes you happy, then honor that by learning how you can weave that into your day to day life. It is not about money, it is about connecting with people, starting with everyone around us.

  • S01E13 Setting Your Compass for Success with Marie Diamond

    • Gaia

    Lilou travels to Monaco to meet with Marie Diamond who is an expert in the Law of Attraction and Feng Shui. Featured in the Secret and other documentaries, she works to help people integrate these principles into their daily life. She explains how to effectively use the law of attraction using love, light, and the impact it will have on other people.As part of her expertise, she explains how to effectively utilize the techniques of Feng Shui with the Law of Attraction to bring success. It is all dependent upon your own personal compass. She explains how to change your home so your mindset and your outer world will change with it. In addition, she shares some of the techniques she uses to bring about her own success.

  • S01E14 Waking the Sleepwalker with Jazz Rasool

    • Gaia

    In Windsor, Lilou meets with Jazz Rasool, the founder of Energy Diamond Coaching. He talks about the different levels of consciousness and expounds upon discovery of people who are sleepwalking and what to do about them. We all are in different states of mind between awake and asleep, constantly. If you are going to wake up, you must have the capacity to deal with the things you will experience in a waking state.His current work is to help people become their own master. He explains how to gain real mastery through control and collaboration, in proper proportion, while connected to your source. When aligned with your true self and able to hold on to it, you will have influence over your environment and positive situations will gravitate towards you.

  • S01E15 Accepting Ourselves with Panache Desai

    • Gaia

    In Orlando, Florida, Panache Desai explains to Lilou Mace that we all are in the middle of a profound shift in the way we perceive ourselves. The choice is being brought forth to continue to identify with the personality or to connect with the soul which has an infinite potential. His goal is to usher people into this new reality and to help them realize, that no matter what, their life is truly a blessing.Desai goes into great depths to explain the illusions that we have all come to accept about being wrong, inadequate, or separate. All of these things are causing dissonance in our beings which blocks us from achieving our full potential. With simple and direct language he explains how we can overcome these illusions, connect with our souls and ultimately return to the divine state of oneness from whence we came.

  • S01E16 Get Up and Find Success with Mike Dooley

    • Gaia

    Mike Dooley, author of Thoughts Become Things sits poolside in Orlando, Florida with Lilou Mace to discuss his secrets for success. Formerly a tax consultant, Mike quit his job and formed a t-shirt company with his family. While this may not sound like the key to an impressively successful life, his story exemplifies the biggest secret to success: you never know what will bring you success and happiness.Dooley expounds upon the various things he experimented with on his journey, sharing what worked and the things that didn’t. He has a very different take on how to use happiness as a motivator for future success. From happiness, conquering doubt, showing up, doing something, he offers simple tips that anyone can do to get started on the road to finding out just what will be successful.

  • S01E17 Qigong Holiday with Francesco Garripoli

    • Gaia

    At the base of the sacred mountain Makaleha in Kauai, Hawaii, Lilou Mace and Francesco Garripoli find a place to reflect and rejuvenate. Garripoli offers his explanation of what Qigong is and how he sees it reflected in cultures around the world. Qigong can be a holiday that turns down the volume of the world around us. It only takes 10-15 minutes every day to bring us back to the core of the culture that is inside each of us.In order to do this, he offer tips on how to do little things to set up new patterns to bring health and improvements to your life. These range from conscious breathing to taking a new perspective on the energetics of your being and your body. He offers practical ways to embody spiritual discoveries in order to bring them into the world and live them.

  • S01E18 Collaborating with Nature Spirits with Steven Farmer

    • Gaia

    On the beach at Three Arches Bay in Laguna Beach, CA, shaman and author of Animal Spirit Guides and Power Animals Oracle Cards, Steven Farmer talks with Lilou Mace about the importance of revising our current relationship with the earth. This can be done if we are willing to learn from the indigenous cultures that remind us that we are related to everything on this planet.Maybe we need to learn to live on the earth rather than trying to ascend above and beyond it. Farmer explains that all forms of life have an individual spirit and the each species has a collective spirit as well. There are ways of working with both to help us achieve our goals. When we learn to listen, with more than just our ears, we can truly collaborate with the life on this planet in physical and spiritual ways.

  • S01E19 Celestial Elements with Debra Silverman

    • Gaia

    Lilou Mace is in Kauai, Hawaii with Debra Silverman who has a passion for bridging the stars with the earth. Her job as an astrologer is to help people feel comfortable with where they are in life and to motivate them to move, just a little bit, in the right direction. She cautions that while we may encounter spiritual ideals from different traditions, we need to be realistic with what we can really do.In astrology there are four elements given to the signs: water, air, earth and fire. She explains how these four elements are reflected in people, the values those elements bring to the world and how they interact with each other. She goes on to offer tips for bringing out elemental based strengths as well as how to bring balance when one may be lacking an element. It is all a matter of finding the natural rhythm of the four elements and how they organize our daily experiences and overall life.

  • S01E20 Celebratory Relationships with Gay Hendricks

    • Gaia

    In his home office in Ohio Gay Hendricks talks with Lilou Mace about life, relationships, and the healing power of love. One of the key concepts discussed is responsibility vs. blame. He explains the importance of not blaming the other person when something goes wrong and how to take on greater responsibility for what you bring.As complex as relationships can get, Hendricks breaks down some of the most common difficulties in relationships, such as keeping agreements, authenticity, and sharing fears. Each solution he offers has its own challenges which he addresses with clarity and deep understanding. That one great relationship only shows up when you are willing to love yourself for who you really are, even with all the faults.Editors Note: Please note that there are some slight audio difficulties toward the end of this video.

  • S01E21 Conscious Creation with Jackie Lapin

    • Gaia

    Lilou Mace joins Jackie Lapin in her garden to talks about the key steps to consciously creating the life that you want. From realizing your own power to shifting your energy and gaining clarity, it is possible to begin manifesting the things in your life that you most desire. Each step is clearly explained in a way that is easily understood and inspiring.The universe is not out to get you, rather it is actually conspiring on your behalf. However, the universe is only reflecting the energy and intention you are sending out to it which may lead to difficulties in realizing your dreams. Trouble shooting tips are offered for common problems that people may face while trying to manifest their greatest wishes.

  • S01E22 Refusing to Fail with Michael Cooley

    • Gaia

    Michael Cooley, author of Rock Bottom joins Lilou Mace in Orlando, Florida. Today, he is a successful CEO, author and motivational speaker, but the road to success was very difficult. He tells his personal story of a life of poverty and abuse. When he hit rock bottom, it was actually the beginning of a new life.From his experiences he is able to inspire people to rise up and realize that they do have a future and the ability to reach it. In this interview he offers advice how to pull yourself up even when you do not feel that you have anywhere to go. No matter what your circumstances are, you can turn them into extreme success and use it as a purpose to help others.

  • S01E23 Feminine Rising with Lucy Romero

    • Gaia

    In the heart of the jungle of Yucatán, Mexico, Lilou Mace joins with author, psychologist and TV host, Lucy Romero. She explains that the societies of the world have been male dominated for over 3,000 years. Men have held this power through violence and control of resources. Romero exclaims that now is the time for women to be what we have never been before, in our memory.Today, more and more women all over the world are flowering and emerging to find their own power. Men need to do this too, even though they may be afraid of their own feminine energy. To help inspire this awakening, she offers practical advice on how to move forward and bring forth the feminine energy within everyone.

  • S01E24 Non-Local Consciousness with Pim van Lommel

    • Gaia

    Lilou Mace is in Amsterdam with Pim van Lommel, author of Consciousness Beyond Life. As a cardiologist, Dr. Lommel encountered many patients who survived cardiac arrest. In these moments, many of them remembered events that took place while their EEGs were flat lined. This phenomenon intrigued Dr. Lommel enough to begin his own investigations into the Near Death Experiences.In their poignant discussion, Dr. Lommel explains how people’s lives have changed after an NDE. He also offers an explanation of non-local consciousness and the role of the brain. There are still more questions than answers. What is taught at university is turning out to be wrong when compared to what is really happening. However, the medical community, at large in the western world, is becoming more open and accepting of patients’ accounts of NDEs.

  • S01E25 Enlightenment of the Human Mind with Humayun Mughal

    • Gaia

    At the base of Mt. Fuji leaders from several of the world’s religions gathered for a symphony of peace prayers. Representing Sufism was Humayun Mughal, who talked with Lilou Macé after the gathering. He explains his views of Sufism as a form of enlightenment of the human mind. Meditation and prayer is a regular part of his regular practice that can have profound positive effects for anyone, no matter their religion. Ultimately, his message is one of unity in god’s love, to bring peace to the world as one big family.

  • S01E26 True Self, True Happiness with Derek Mills

    • Gaia

    Deep inside, we all have an inner truth that defines own sense of joy and passion. Too many times we get lost in the pursuits of non-self and believe that our happiness comes only in the future. Happiness is not a matter of setting goals or living up to the ideals of anyone else. It is about discovering your own inner truth and committing to live up to your own standards. Derek Mills offers comprehensive advice how to discover and connect with your true self to bring about the happiest possible life, right now in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast August 3,2013.Derek Mills, author of 10-Seconf Philosophy is an international motivational speaker and coach as well as a senior partner in one of the UK's leading wealth management organizations. He has helped audiences all over the world re-evaluation the whole concept of goal-setting, to live a happier life.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Consciousness Connection with Anthony Peake

    • Gaia

    Have you ever wondered where we go when we dream, what happens with near death experiences, or even why we experience déjà vu? Some would say these are all biochemical processes of the brain. However, new evidence shows that consciousness is not rooted in the brain nor can it be quantized. Author, Anthony Peake reveals the consciousness connection of déjà vu, dream states, out of body experiences and reaching oneness through our higher selves in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast August 10, 2013.Anthony Peake was educated at Warwick University and the London School of Economics. He is a member of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, The Scientific & Medical Network and the Society for Psychic Research. In his books, Anthony presents a potentially paradigm-changing hypothesis that suggests that human consciousness survives the physical death of the body by falling out of time. He calls this process, cheating the ferryman.

  • S02E02 Black Holes and the Mind of God with Manjir Samanta-Laughton

    • Gaia

    Science is just beginning to learn about the mysteries of black holes. What we once thought to be bottomless pits of absolute destruction may actually be the source of creation for matter and antimatter. What’s more, is that black holes are everywhere from the center of galaxies to the Earth’s atmosphere, and may even be in our DNA. Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton talks about the spiritual growth that showed her the importance of black holes and the mind of god with Lilou Mace in this interview originally webcast August 17, 2013.An international speaker and author, Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton trained as a medical doctor and GP in London. During medical school, she had an unexpected spiritual awakening or kundalini experience. Since then, she has been on a quest to link ideas in the cutting edge of science with spirituality.

  • S02E03 Genius of the Mind with Phil Parker

    • Gaia

    Stress is one of the most common and dreadful things we face in modern society. However, we may be looking in the wrong place as we attempt to control the things that cause our stress. It comes down to the choices we make to be stressful or to be happy. NLP practitioner, Phil Parker explains his Lightning Process for identifying the internal causes of stress and using the genius of the mind to create a happier and healthier life in this interview with Lilou Mace originally webcast August 24, 2013.As a hypnotherapist, executive coach and NLP practitioner, Phil Parker has changed the lives of thousands of people. People from all over the world come to his practice in London to successfully overcome their issues and made the changes they want. His groundbreaking Lightning Process seminars have changed thousands of lives.

  • S02E04 Living Miracles with Arielle Essex

    • Gaia

    A miracle can change the life of a person with a major illness. Living miracles may not always come as a spontaneous healing; they might come with a change in perception. If the body truly does have the ability to heal all diseases, then maybe all it needs is a change in mental state to begin the process. Arielle Essex, author of Practical Miracles, explains that her personal journey with brain cancer and how it was really a journey of learning and self-acceptance in this interview with Lilou Mace originally webcast August 31, 2013.Arielle Essex specializes in mind-body psychology using Neuro-Linguistic Programming. She has worked as a healer for over 25 years, practicing various forms of complementary medicine. People all over the world are inspired by her workshops that teach them how to apply transformative principles and make the choices that heal.

  • S02E05 Living Your True Potential with Joseph Clough

    • Gaia

    Day to day, we face the common struggle of being who we are expected to be, by others. All of know, that deep inside lies our true potential and our true calling. Yet, we often times feel powerless to access and live-out that potential. What would you achieve if you found a way to be safe when you live courageously and beyond your comfort zone? Master hypnotherapist, Joseph Clough offers practical advice for discovering your living your true potential.Joseph Clough, author of Be Your Potential, is an international trainer, celebrity coach and hypnotherapist. His goal in life is to help people person achieve their full potential using Neuro-Linguistic Programming with time line therapy and hypnotherapy. To this end, he has created over 100 hours of free hypnosis and coaching audio programs.

  • S02E06 Heart-felt Intuition with Becky Walsh

    • Gaia

    Too many times we look for signs in the wrong places or question what we know to be true. We make the wrong choices for ourselves, thinking we need to be protected, when all we are doing is giving our energy away. If you learn to trust your heart-felt intuition, you will discover that the answers you need are already available to you. Intuitive Becky Walsh explains how to use different types of intuition so that you can stop worrying and put happiness and self love at the center of your life in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast September 14, 2013.Becky Walsh, author of Advanced Psychic Development and Intuitive Lovers, is a teacher, speaker and workshop leader in the field of intuition and spirituality. Her latest book is titled, You Do Know: Learning to Act on Intuition Instantly. In addition to books, she also writes for many magazines and is the co-director of on-line and pop-up platform Open Beyond Ltd.

  • S02E07 Finding Your Purpose with Jack Canfield

    • Gaia

    All of us are born with a purpose to our life. Many of us lose sight of this purpose when we accept other people’s definition of success, rather than looking internally for answers. The secret to finding your purpose and living it is easier than you may think. Jack Canfield recounts his experience of discovering his purpose and bringing it forth in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series in this interview with Lilou Mace originally webcast September 27, 2013.Jack Canfield is well known for his Chicken Soup for the Soul series which launched inspirational anthologies as a genre. He has studied what makes successful people different and knows what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. His proven formula for success reached global acclaim with his most recent National Bestseller, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

  • S02E08 How Does It Get Better than This? with Dain Heer

    • Gaia

    In our lives, we will always have ups and downs, and it is possible to make the lows a lot less. We may not realize it, but we have many choices that we can make for our lives. We can choose to do the things that bring us more happiness and peace. Dain Heer provides many ways you can begin use to begin making the right choices in your life in this interview with Lilou Mace originally webcast October 4, 2013.Dain Heer, D.C., is an international speaker, author and facilitator of advanced workshops worldwide. His transforming points of view on change, bodies, sex and relationship transcend everything currently being taught. He is the creator of The Energetic Synthesis of Being, a unique energy process for healing that teaches people to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing.

  • S02E09 Celebrate your Life with Gary Douglas

    • Gaia

    What if you found out that your life was suppose to be a celebration and that your purpose was to have fun? Even though we may know the things that make us happy, we still do the things that bring us pain and suffering. Gary Douglas explains how to unlock what you were taught to be and begin to celebrate your life in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast October 11, 2013.Gary Douglas has always been on a spiritual path, seeking deeper answers to life's mysteries. A series of revelations and insights led him to create Access Consciousness. Today, he conducts personal consultations at his office and by telephone as well as leads workshops all over the world.

  • S02E10 Tapping Away the Pain with Dawson Church

    • Gaia

    Experiences of stress and pain are far too common and long term suffering has profound effects on health. Meditation and mindfulness are two techniques that can help to reduce the stress response and release negative emotions. However, EFT tapping can release the suffering quickly and easily. Dawson church explains what EFT tapping is, and how it is one of the most powerful ways to release suffering from heart and mind in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast October 18, 2013.Dawson Church, Ph.D., author of The Genie in your Genes, is a pioneer in the field of epigenetics which explains the remarkable self-healing mechanisms we all have. To further research emerging psychological and medical techniques, he founded the Soul Medicine Institute. As the publisher of Elite Books and Energy Psychology Press, he has worked with many leading authors during a long career in health publishing.

  • S02E11 The Soul Mate Connection with Arielle Ford

    • Gaia

    Have you found the person you want to live with for the rest of your life or are you still searching? If it is true that each of us has an ideal soul mate just waiting to meet us, then all we have to do is prepare for it, ask for it in the right way, and act upon it. Arielle Ford reveals several powerful techniques to make that soul mate connection using the law of attraction in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast October 25, 2013.Arielle Ford is a leading pioneer and personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For the past 25 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. Arielle is a gifted writer and the author of seven books including the Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul series and Wabi Sabi Love.

  • S02E12 Mars and Venus at Work with John Gray

    • Gaia

    When John Gray wrote Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, he explored the differences between men and women in relationships. Now, he applies this philosophy to the workplace, examining the needs and communication styles of women and men. In this interview with Lilou Macé, he explains his hopes of inspiring people to create working environments where everyone can be successful in their own unique ways in this interview originally webcast November 1, 2013.John Gray, author of Work with Me: The 8 Blind Spots Between Men and Women in Business, helps men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. He travels the world teaching communities and companies the best ways to improve their relationships and communication.

  • S02E13 What on Earth Will it Take? with Foster Gamble

    • Gaia

    If you ask what is wrong with the world today, you will be inundated by a myriad of answers. Instead of obsessing over all of our problems, what if we could share our ideas for creating a better future in an effective way? Foster Gamble explains to Lilou Macé how the Thrive Network helps innovators, with their own pieces of the solution, to connect and work together in this interview originally webcast November 8, 2013.A direct descendant of the late James Gamble, a co-founder of Procter & Gamble, Foster is a lifelong seeker in the pursuit of knowledge. Not content with the current structure of power in the world and the massive global suffering, Foster Gamble set out to make a documentary that unveiled the true reality of our existence in the 21st century.

  • S02E14 Finding a Chemtrail Solution with Kimberly Carter Gamble

    • Gaia

    High above, a jet screams across the sky leaving behind a curious trail of white vapor. Is this innocent water vapor or part of a well organized plot? We are seeing even more of these chemtrails stretching across the sky and word is getting out that they may pose a danger to public and planetary health. For those concerned, you are not powerless. Kimberly Carter Gamble joins Lilou Macé to explain many of the concerns about chemtrails and offers a way that anyone can become a persistent part of the solution through the Thrive movement in this interview originally webcast November 15, 2013.Kimberly Carter Gamble has been a lifelong activist for social justice. She is a former journalist for many publications including Newsweek International and a producer of large projects and events. All of her talents culminate as the co-founder and advisor for Clear Compass Media and as the producer, director and co-writer of Thrive.

  • S02E15 Transitioning to a New Paradigm with Tom Kaypacha Lescher

    • Gaia

    We are just beginning a time of great transformation as Earth begins a new 26,000 year cycle. It is a time of self empowerment where we take charge of our own development and create our own realities. But this transition is being met with resistance from those who are firmly attached to the old patriarchal ways. Tom Kaypacha Leshcer explains how the movements of Saturn and Jupiter will carry us through this initial transition period in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast November 22, 2013.Tom Kaypacha Lescher, has more than 35 years of experience as an astrologer and spiritual practitioner. His approach to healing spirit, mind, and body through emotional release and Kundalini yoga utilizes astrology as a healing art. His work brings balance, love, and joy to others and the planet.

  • S02E16 Healing Love with Sarina Stone

    • Gaia

    Individually, human beings are capable of generating healing energy. When paired with a loving partner, those capabilities become powerfully amplified. The key is building a conscious connection with your partner so that intimate moments can become healing experiences. Sarina Stone offers a well grounded discussion on how you can learn to raise, sustain and release sexual energy for health and healing in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast November 29, 2013.Sarina Stone has taken the complicated art of Medical Chi Kung and made it easy for therapists to integrate it into their own practice. This system teaches simple lifestyle changes to enhance or improve physical and mental well being. She helps people learn to maintain three areas of health: physical, mental and emotional, in order to live long, happy and healthy lives.

  • S02E17 At the Heart of it All with Howard Martin

    • Gaia

    The heart is the most powerful center in the body. It not only regulates our physical health and emotional wellbeing, but it may be the source of a huge shift in consciousness. Heart-based living is an evolutionary imperative as communities and cultures all over the world are uniting. Howard Martin explains how we can tap into this power and become part of the emerging heart-based world in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast December 6, 2013.Howard Martin is one of the original leaders who helped Doc Childre found HeartMath. He is coauthor of The HeartMath Solution and author of The HeartMath Method. As a key Heartmath spokesperson, he conducts approximately 75 media interviews and webinars annually. His speaking engagements help people to develop the heart intelligence needed to navigate life during these changing times.

  • S02E18 Lessons across Lifetimes with Mira Kelley

    • Gaia

    Who you are now is just as important as who you once were and who you will be. Experiences from different lifetimes intertwine to bring new levels of understanding to our higher beings. Sometimes, those experiences crossover and create problems with different lives. Mira Kelley explains how she discovered that past life regression can help with healing by creating a connection with one’s higher self and resolving lessons across lifetimes in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast December 13, 2013.Mira Kelley discovered her passion for past-life regressions at the age of 13. After graduating law school, she practiced as a corporate attorney until a health condition led her to rediscover the powerful healing available through regression. Today, she helps others journey into their other lives and discover the emotional and physical healing available through regression.

  • S02E19 New Magic for a New Era with Tom Evans

    • Gaia

    Too often we say that there is not enough time in the day. What if there was a way to use the time we have to gain our fullest benefit? All it takes is being open to a new era of magic for humankind. Tom Evans explains how you can use your consciousness to promote healing, slow the perception of time, and take conscious control of your chakras; all by getting into the right zone in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast December 20, 2013.Tom Evans, author of The Zone, is a modern mystic who specializes in turning the esoteric into the exoteric. Using a set of elegant techniques, he explains how we can tap into an unlimited flow of inspiration and how to make ideas actually come to fruition. He has recently been researching the psychology and physiology behind inspiration and is lifting the lid on the mystery of where ideas, and thought, come from.

  • S02E20 Mysteries of the Magdalene Within with Lars Muhl

    • Gaia

    From an early age, Lars Muhl knew that there was something more to life than the everyday world. After decades with a successful music career, this sense of wonder returned and he made profound discoveries into the mystical teachings of the bible. Lars Muhl recounts pivotal moments from his life of awakening and reveals the archetypes of Jesus and Magdalene that we all have within each of us in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast December 27, 2013.As a 10 year old, Lars Muhl had experienced glimpses of another reality. After a successful music career with the power-pop band, Warm Guns and solo projects, he began to write. His trilogy, The O Manuscript, has become an esoteric cult classic and is now being released throughout the world. Lars is a now working as a visionary and mystic, lecturer and writer.

Season 3

  • S03E01 New Paradigms of Power with Lawrence Bloom

    • Gaia

    From energy production to human rights, many of the most important things to our world seem to be broken. Interestingly enough, the solutions to these issues may be directly connected. It all starts with ceasing to focus on growth and begin focusing on sustainability. Lawrence Bloom explains how we can balance our wants with our needs to create new paradigms of power in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast January 3, 2014.Following an innovative, highly respected and successful career in the property business Lawrence Bloom traveled the world to further his studies of holistic business, belief systems, personal development and sustainable practices. His personal focus is to raise awareness of the urgent need for transformation at the personal, cultural and organizational levels. He is deeply committed to creating sustainable development and communities, complementary currencies and business environments that respect the natural and human environment.

  • S03E02 Morphic Fields and the Universal Mind with Rupert Sheldrake

    • Gaia

    Many of us live under the illusion that we are all separate beings in a purely mechanical universe. As these illusions fade, the collective nature of consciousness comes to light. This consciousness is not only shared between humans, but with all things in the universe. Rupert Sheldrake, who originated the theory of morphic resonance, explains how morphic fields shape the expressions of physical form and consciousness in all life in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast January 10, 2014.Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and 10 books including Science Set Free. He worked in developmental biology at Cambridge University, where he was a Fellow of Clare College. His theory of morphic fields and morphic resonance leads to a vision of a living universe with its own inherent memory.

  • S03E03 Awakening from the Matrix with Nick Good

    • Gaia

    Little by little, humanity is awakening from the matrix. Some awaken slowly, with a sense of grace and wonder. Others face a sharp awakening to a world controlled by hidden agendas. No matter how one awakens, it is possible to live in a life of grace and not be effected by all the negativity. Nick Good offers ways that you can attain a grounded and practical lifestyle that will help you ascend into a higher version of yourself that can manifest a life of wonder in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast January 17, 2014.Nick Good’s life is the journey of a spiritual warrior. For over twenty years he has traveled the world as a personal trainer, masseur and a motivator of some of the most successful individuals on the planet. He specializes in assisting people to realize the true greatness of their soul which is deeply embedded in the fertile substance of creation.

  • S03E04 Five Steps to Spiritual Awakening with Tim van der Vliet

    • Gaia

    Too many people find themselves on a life path that is not right for them, yet they are too afraid to make the changes they deeply need. They don’t realize that being afraid of something is far worse than facing the thing that they fear the most. Making these changes may be as simple as living in the moment, letting go of ego and following intuition. Tim van der Vliet, author of Spiritual Awakening (The Easy Way), explains how we can attain that life by following the five steps to spiritual awakening and learning to trust your intuition in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast January 24, 2014.Tim van der Vliet, author of Spiritual Awakening (the easy way), represents a new generation of contemporary spirituality writers and speakers. After 13 years in the financial markets, his interest in spirituality gave him a new perspective on the lessons he learned as a trader. Now he is a full time writer who has a fresh, no-nonsense, and light-hearted approach to life.

  • S03E05 Bridging Science and Religion with Jay Lakhani

    • Gaia

    We are living in a world where the younger generation can no longer relate to established religions yet are open to different notions of spiritual sensibility. Science is now looking into deeper dimensions of reality and coming to the same understandings that ancient prophets discovered. Scientists are just now learning how space, time and causation are the dimensions of absolute manifestation. Jay Lakhani, who studied physics with Roger Penrose and inspired by the spirituality of Ramana Maharshi, bridges the gap of science and religion to easily bring new notions of spirituality to younger generations them in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast January 31, 2014.Jay Lakhani completed postgraduate studies in Quantum Mechanics under Sir Roger Penrose and obtained a Masters degree with distinction in 1970. As a Theoretical Physicist and head of the Hindu Academy, he explores the links between the esoteric teachings of religions and cutting edge scientific discoveries. He often gives talks at universities to reconcile the gap between religious and secular world-views.

  • S03E06 Conscious Dreaming with Charley Morley

    • Gaia

    Everyone dreams, even if they don’t remember. However, not everyone is aware of the dream while they are dreaming. Lucid dreaming is the ability to be conscious in the dream state and make willful changes. Tibetan Buddhists call this consciousness practice Dream Yoga and it has the support of modern neuroscience. Charlie Morley explains the many benefits of lucid dreaming and offers simple techniques to begin this practice in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast February 7, 2014.Charlie Morley, author of Dreams of Awakening: Lucid Dreaming and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep, is a teacher of the holistic approach to lucid dreaming within the context of mindfulness meditation and Tibetan Buddhism. In 2008, he became one of the first Westerners officially authorized to teach lucid dreaming within the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. This allows him the rare ability to synthesize both Western and Eastern perspectives on lucidity.

  • S03E07 Finding the Courage to Live Authentically with Menna van Praag

    • Gaia

    If you lose hope, you have lost a connection with your heart that makes you aware of what is possible. Even though her books are fiction, the characters in Menna van Praag’s books go through a journey of self-discovery and become empowered to express their authentic selves. She explains how she made her dreams of being a writer come true and how we can find the courage to live authentically in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast February 14, 2014.Menna van Praag is an Oxford graduate, journalist, and chocolate aficionado. Seven years ago, Menna was a struggling, overweight waitress; then an inspired insight by her life-coach mother, Vicky, led to a three-day experience of enlightenment, from which Men, Money, and Chocolate was born.Editor’s Note: Due to technical difficulties there will be occasional moments of blurriness when viewing this video.

  • S03E08 Following your Joy with Robert Holden

    • Gaia

    Stop the endless search for happiness and start following your joy! You can overcome the basic self-doubt of inadequacy and reclaim your innate ability to love yourself and others. When you learn to tune into your love, it will guide you and inspire the joy in your life. Robert Holden is an expert on happiness and love who offers the keys to following your joy in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast February 21, 2014.Robert Holden, Ph.D., author of Shift Happens and Loveability, may be considered to be an expert on happiness. He has authored numerous books on the subject and has been featured in major television productions. Currently he is the director of The Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, and coaches leaders in business, education, politics and healthcare.

  • S03E09 Living Shamanically with Rebekah Shaman

    • Gaia

    What does it take to be a human being in the modern world? The answer may come from the ancient spiritual traditions of shamanism. This means learning to respect all life and taking personal responsibility for the choices in our lives by not living in regrets from the past. Rebekah Shaman integrates shamanic teachings into the daily life of the modern world and explains how we can learn to live shamanically in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast February 28, 2014.Rebekah Shaman was working in a luxury hotel in Machu Picchu when she was jolted awake by hitting crisis point. When she called out to the mountains for an answer to her misery, a shaman deep in the Peruvian Amazon heard her call. Following that call, she ended up training with that Shaman. Now she is teaching and sharing her knowledge on how to live more shamanically in the urban jungle.

  • S03E10 Whispers from our Dreams with Davina MacKail

    • Gaia

    The realm of dreams is a land of mystery for many people. Yet, each dream is a message from our subconscious trying to reveal the things we have been denying ourselves. Knowing this, we can learn to become better dreamers by remembering and decoding the language of our dreams. Davina MacKail explains how we can connect with our subconscious by listening to the whispers from our dreams in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast March 7, 2014.Davina MacKail’s shamanic quest began in 1992 with a life changing journey that included a near death experience – the hallmark of a shamanic initiation. In 1997 she began her shamanic training in earnest with a Peruvian shaman. Since then it has been a full immersion in indigenous shamanic training with master shamans in Peru, Brazil, America and Ireland. Now she is a spiritual educator, shamanic seer and healer, dream expert and energy healer.

  • S03E11 Awakening the Intelligence of the Heart with Serge Obolensky Beddington-Behrens

    • Gaia

    Someone can be highly intelligent, yet morally and ethically inept because they have not awakened the intelligence of their heart. The world of the heart is a mystery, but it has a great capacity to heal, even if it is wounded. Serge Obolensky Beddington-Behrens calls for us to feel the pain of the planet and open our hearts wide enough to let universal heart to come in and burn with a passion to make a difference in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast March 14, 2014.Serge Obolensky Beddington-Behrens, Ph.D, author of Awakening the Universal Heart started out as a stockbroker before moving into book publishing and running an art gallery in Central London. Then he relocated to the U.S. to train as a transpersonal psychotherapist, life coach and relationship consultant. Serge has been on a spiritual path all his life and blends his psychological work with assisting people in their spiritual lives.

  • S03E12 Perceiving Unity with Frank Kinslow

    • Gaia

    What does it mean to be enlightened? Could it be the ability to converse with angels in another realm, or simply the momentary sense of peace within the real world? It all comes down to your perception, whether your thoughts are inward or outward and how you deal with fear. Frank Kinlsow has been pursuing enlightenment for over 40 years and he shares what he learned when he finally just stopped in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast March 21, 2104.For more than 35 years, Frank J. Kinslow has been researching and teaching healing techniques. He created the Quantum Entrainment process of instant healing, in 2007, to create a vibrant and fulfilling life for himself. In just a few years, tens of thousands of people around the world were able to create vibrant and fulfilling lives for themselves just by reading his books.

  • S03E13 Messages for the Age of Experience with Simran Singh

    • Gaia

    Everything we encounter in life, even the obstacles, are messages from our higher being trying get us to pay attention. Thus, we are not on a journey; rather we are the journey. Every moment that you experience is a part of your own higher-self experiencing itself. Simran Singh delivers an inspirational message to dive into your passions and experience a life full of joy in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast March 28, 2014.Simran Singh is a creative visionary, transformational catalyst and a leading voice for the journey of the soul. Her passionate style takes takes individuals on a journey into personal power, authenticity and presence. She helps people to understand that the universe is begging to have a conversation with each of us.

  • S03E14 Accessing the Akashic Records with Gabrielle Orr

    • Gaia

    When you are aligned with your purpose, it will show in everything that you do. Yet, many of us do not lead a fulfilled life as we are not realizing our purpose in life. This is when learning to connect with the Akashic Records becomes an invaluable experience. Gabrielle Orr explains how you can use the Akashic Records to live in harmony with who you came to be in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast April 4, 2014.Gabrielle Orr worked for several years with mentally disadvantaged children and coma patients, after earning a degree in Social Work in Germany. She helped to provide guidance as a life counselor for her clients and their families. As a certified Akashic Record Teacher and Consultant, she has been teaching Akashic Record classes since 2002.

  • S03E15 A Conversation with the Love Guru, Blaire Allison

    • Gaia

    A healthy love life is just as important as having a healthy spiritual life. In fact, the two are intimately entwined. Perhaps every relationship is a lesson in self-knowing, as if on a spiritual path to bring more of your authentic self into each relationship. Blaire Allison, the Love Guru, has dedicated her life to love and offers active steps to attaining true love in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast April 11, 2014.In 2004, Blaire Allison had an idea to put up a website for friends and family to help her find a husband. But her search to find the right one turned out to be bigger than just finding the right man. After surrendering to the Universe, she encountered three life changing relationships before finally finding the person she was really looking for… herself.

  • S03E16 Of Life, Love and Immortality with Yasisurie Kiribandara

    • Gaia

    Though she was born into a very orthodox Buddhist family, Yasisurie Kiribandara wanted to break away and explore other spiritual traditions. Her sacred journey would take her through various rigorous disciplines until she found the teachings Kirby De Lanerolle. All the while, her inner guidance led her to also study fashion. Now she is creating designs inspired by sacred geometry and oneness with the divine consciousness. Yasisurie Kiribandara recounts her journey through life and the spiritual teachings that continue to lead her on a spiritual path of love, life and immortality in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast April 18, 2014.Yasisurie Kiribandara is the fashion designer, managing director and co-founder at Oneera Design House. Her recent collection, named consciousness, is inspired by sacred geometry and caters to the fashion conscious woman in her twenties to the thirties.

  • S03E17 Mysteries of the Mind Revealed with Mario Beauregard

    • Gaia

    The most powerful tool we have for transforming our lives is our brain. It controls not only our state of health and healing, but the behaviors that lead to our successes and failures as well. It is important to know that we can influence what is happening in our brain and all of the physiological systems connected to it. Neuroscientiest Mario Beuregard offers a post-materialist scientist’s view of spirituality and brain function as it affects every aspect of our lives in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast May 9, 2014.Mario Beauregard, PhD., is a neuroscientist currently affiliated with the Department of Psychology, University of Arizona. He is the first neuroscientist to use neuroimaging to investigate the neural underpinnings of voluntary control in relation to emotion. His groundbreaking research on the neurobiology of spiritual experiences has received international media coverage. The documentary, The Mystical Brain, was produced to detail his work

  • S03E18 Building a World that Works for All with Pierre Pradervand

    • Gaia

    The socioeconomic model that dominates much of the world is not sustainable and all of us are feeling the effects of its imminent demise. Accepting moments of grace and a willingness to experience spirituality in all things can change everything for everybody. Pierre Pradervand explains how we can build a world that works for all or we will soon have a world that works for nobody in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast May 16, 2014.Pierre Pradervand has worked for decades in personal development and social justice. His impressive career includes work on nearly every continent. As a speaker and workshop facilitator, Pierre often gives talks on how to live a more enriched and contented life. In his workshops, he provides personal development tools that empower everyone to find and strengthen their internal anchors.

  • S03E19 Raw Food for a Real Life with Dr. Brian Clement

    • Gaia

    We have all heard the benefits of changing diet and lifestyle can dramatically improve health. Yet, we find it difficult to make that transition. Making this change may not be easy, but it is not as difficult as we may think. Dr. Brian Clement, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, explains the benefits of a raw food diet and of the institute’s Life Transformation Program in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast May 23, 2014.In 1980, Brian assumed the title of Director of Hippocrates Health Institute. Since that time, he has directed the Institute’s growth and development as well as facilitated the implementation of progressive natural health treatments and programs. His progressive ideas on natural health, coupled with his vast theoretical and practical science experience, have provided him with the opportunity to conduct countless seminars, lectures and educational programs.

  • S03E20 Soul Contracts and the Higher Self with Jean-Charles Chabot

    • Gaia

    Hypnosis can be a powerful tool. It can help you overcome phobias, relieve chronic pay and discover who you were in a past life. Most importantly, hypnosis can help you understand the conditions of your soul contract and change the lens by which you perceive your reality. Jean-Charles Chabot explains the importance of learning about your soul contract and building a connection with your higher self in order to give meaning to your life in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast June 6, 2014.Jean-Charles Chabot is passionate about hypnosis and determined to become one of the best spiritual hypnotherapists. He has trained with many leading hypnotherapists including Cal Banyan, Linda Backman and Brian Weiss. His unique skills, passion and deep understanding of hypnosis makes him one of the most effective leaders in the field of spiritual hypnosis.

  • S03E21 Receiving Higher Dimensional Knowledge with Stephanie South

    • Gaia

    Many people are starting to wake up and become aware of a new level of energy coming into their awareness. As we are coming into a collective awareness of this energy, it is important that we work to develop our hearts and minds simultaneously. Stephanie South explains how she is continuing the work of José Argüelles on the nature of time, multidimensional reality and helping people learn to receive higher dimensional knowledge in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast June 13, 2014.Stephanie South, creative director of the Foundation for the Law of Time, is author of Biography of a Time Traveler and Time, Synchronicity and Calendar Change: the Visionary Life and Work of José Argüelles. For the past ten years she has been engaged with Arguelles in the Noosphere II Project which is an investigation into the nature of time and cosmic states of consciousness.

  • S03E22 Awakening the Illuminated Heart with Hira Hosèn

    • Gaia

    Learning how to live from the heart may be one of the most important things we can do. We spend so much time navigating the world from our brains that we forget about the importance of compassion and gratitude. Hira Hosen is a Zen nun who helps people to activate their heart and discover the bliss and joy that is already available in their lives in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast June 20, 2014.Hira Hosèn is a certified teacher of the School of Remembering, founded by Drunvalo Melchizedek in 2011. It is her gift to share the spiritual technology that will catalyze the great shift of global Ascension on Earth. Hira believes that people now have the opportunity to greatly deepen their path of awakening to their true nature. She helps them achieve this through the practice of methods taught in the Awakening the Illuminated Heart' workshops.

  • S03E23 Freedom from Illusions of Shame with Robert Ohotto

    • Gaia

    Shame is one of the most powerful forces that we continue to allow to dominate and shape our lives. We may have been born into a shame-based culture, but we can break free from these illusions of shame by embracing our genuine passions. Robert Ohotto explains how we can begin to cultivate conscious choices in order to build soul esteem and transcend paradigms of shame in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast July 4, 2014.Robert Ohotto, author of Transforming Fate into Destiny, is a world renowned radio show host, teacher, and Intuitive Counselor, Coach, and Life Strategist. After his collegiate studies, Robert cultivated his profound skills as an intuitive by establishing a profession in the intuitive arts. Now, he is recognized as a trailblazing presence within the field of psycho-spirituality and praised for his ability to help people understand their life's purpose.

  • S03E24 Safari of Consciousness with Robert Ohotto

    • Gaia

    Consciousness is one of the most complicated concepts in all of human philosophy. Within the maelstrom of our complex minds, we all share common struggles that affect how we perceive and interact with the real world. Robert Ohotto takes us on a safari of consciousness and brings insight to the challenges we all face, like authenticity, karma, fear and ego in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast July 11, 2014.Robert Ohotto, author of Transforming Fate into Destiny, is a world renowned radio show host, teacher, and Intuitive Counselor, Coach, and Life Strategist. After his collegiate studies, Robert cultivated his profound skills as an intuitive by establishing a profession in the intuitive arts. Now, he is recognized as a trailblazing presence within the field of psycho-spirituality and praised for his ability to help people understand their life's purpose.