Though she was born into a very orthodox Buddhist family, Yasisurie Kiribandara wanted to break away and explore other spiritual traditions. Her sacred journey would take her through various rigorous disciplines until she found the teachings Kirby De Lanerolle. All the while, her inner guidance led her to also study fashion. Now she is creating designs inspired by sacred geometry and oneness with the divine consciousness. Yasisurie Kiribandara recounts her journey through life and the spiritual teachings that continue to lead her on a spiritual path of love, life and immortality in this interview with Lilou Macé originally webcast April 18, 2014.Yasisurie Kiribandara is the fashion designer, managing director and co-founder at Oneera Design House. Her recent collection, named consciousness, is inspired by sacred geometry and caters to the fashion conscious woman in her twenties to the thirties.