Earl kdysi na objednávku konkurenční firmy ukradl stánek s párky. Aby to odčinil, musí stánek nejen vrátit, ale také přesvědčit zákazníky, aby se vrátili…
Anlässlich des Geburtstags von Earl Junior schwelgen Earl und seine Freunde in Erinnerungen. Mit der Bemerkung, dass die Hotdogs einiges an Geschmack vermissen lassen, sticht Randy in ein Wespennest. Earl erinnert nämlich daran, wie der legendäre «Pop's Old Fashioned»-Hotdogstand aus dem Verkehr gezogen wurde und dass er und Randy daran nicht unschuldig waren. Die Brüder haben nämlich im Auftrag eines Konkurrenten den Wagen für 200 Dollar kurzerhand entführt. Als sie ihn nun reumütig zurückbringen, hat Pop's gegen die übermächtige Konkurrenz keine Chance mehr. So nehmen Earl, Randy, ihr schwuler Freund Kenny, Catalina, Joy, Darnell und zuletzt gar der asoziale Ralph die Herausforderung an, aus Pop's wieder die Hotdog-Institution zu machen, wie der Stand es einmal wahr - selbst wenn sie dafür zu geradezu bizarren Mitteln greifen müssen.
Earl crosses another number off the list when he returns Pops’ Weiner Hot Dog cart he and Ralph (Giovanni Ribisi) stole in his youth. The good deed does not last long as Ralph, who works for a competing franchise sets fire to Pops cart. Earl now must set things right with a bizarre plan while recruiting Randy, Joy, Catalina and Darnell to assist him.
After going out to eat, Earl remembers that he and Ralph stole Pop's Wiener Hot Dog cart because the competing fast food restaurant manager pay then to do it. So he decided to take it of his list.
Earl when to the place where he hide the cart and went to Pop's house to returned and ask for forgiveness, Pop agree to forgive him. But it was not enough because now people are used to go to the fast food restaurant and nobody goes to Pop's anymore. Earl decided to advertise Pop's to get him back to business and he succeeds.
But after Pop's got back to business Ralph burns Pop's cart because once again he got paid by the competing franchise.
Earl decided that now he owe Pop a new cart so now he had to get money to buy one. He decided to get the gang together once more to plan for a new hit. While planning Ralph came up with the idea of cutting his finger and put it in the food of a restaurant and sue them, Earl dismiss the idea.
He planned to get them all work in a company and steal all they could from it to get the money. Thanks to Kenny, Earl makes all the gang look qualify for the job (Kenny exchange his test with them making him look bad and them good). After all got the job, they hide and wait for the night to act.
At night, they started to steal everything but then Ralph came up with stealing a huge copy machine everybody didn't wanted to do it but Earl thought that the machine would make the money quicker and decided to go for it.
They went inside the room with the huge machine and try to carry it through the door but it was to big to fit, Ralph insisted in pushing it harder but it got them tra
Earl saa yhden ruksin listaansa kun hän palauttaa hodarikärryn jonka pölli Randyn kanssa. Onni ei kestä kauan, kun Ralph sytyttää kärryn palamaan. Earlin ja jengin täytyy taas palauttaa karman tasapaino.
La bande se réunit afin de fêter l'anniversaire d'Earl. Ils se remmémorent le temps où les casses rythmaient leur vie.La bande reproche à Earl que la vie n'est plus aussi drôle depuis qu'il a trouvé son karma, il est devenu un "honnête citoyen".Earl va-t-il rétablir la barre ou continuer sa rédomption ?
ארל מחליט לפצות את פופס, בעל דוכן נקניקיות שממנו גנב בזמנו את הדוכן תמורת תשלום מרשת מתחרה, ולהחזיר לו את הדוכן.
Earl elimina un'altra voce dalla sua lista restituendo al proprietario il carrettino per gli hot dog rubato anni prima con l'aiuto di Ralph. La buona azione dura poco, però, perché Ralph, che lavora per un concorrente, dà fuoco al carrettino di Pops. Per sistemare le cose, Earl avrà bisogno dell'aiuto di Randy, Catalina, Joy e Darnell.
Банда снова в сборе, но теперь не для того, чтобы что-то стырить, а просто в честь дня рождения сына Джой. Внезапно шайка вспоминает о давно забытом деле, деле о Папашиных хот-догах. В прошлом Эрл и Ральф изрядно повеселились, угнав фургон торговца хот-догами и спрятав его. Тем самым они не только лишили старичка единственного дохода, но и оставили весь город без вкусных хот-догов. Людям приходилось закупаться в фаст-фуде с говорящим названием "Дешево и сердито".
Earl quiere tachar de su lista el robo de un carro de Perritos calientes que hizo hace tiempo con su amigo Ralph. El buen rollo dura hasta el momento en que Ralph quema el carro, ya que trabaja para un rival de esa marca.
Earl hará ahora un plan bizarro en el que necesitará la ayuda de Joy, Randy, Catalina y Darnell.
Earl eski arkadaşlarının yardımı ile sevilen bir hot dog satıcısının kötü giden işlerini düzeltmesini sağlar.
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