Nozaki will in seinem Manga neue Charaktere erschaffen. Chiyo und Mikoshiba stellen ihm ihre Freunde Yuzuki und Kashima als Vorbilder vor.
Mikoshiba introduces to Sakura and Nozaki his best friend, Yū Kashima, who is known as the school prince, but is actually a girl. She is a member of the acting club and is really popular among the girls. However, she is a bit dense and acts idiotic sometimes that her senior at acting club Masayuki Hori will scold and even physically beat her. After helping Hori paint some sets, Sakura discovers that he is the one who does backgrounds for Nozaki's manga. When Mashima sees Hori with Nozaki, she gets a bit jealous. Nozaki later has Hori and Sakura role-play some parts, during which Mikoshiba also gets involved.
미코링은 순정만화스러운 사람을 소개시켜 주겠다며 치요에게 학교의 ‘왕자님’을 소개해준다. 그 왕자님은 잘생겼을 뿐만이 아니라 동화나 만화책에나 나올 법한 대사를 진심어리게 하는 사람이었는데...
Sakura conoce a dos miembros del Club de Teatro muy particulares: Por un lado, Kashima, una chica de gran belleza masculina que embelesa a todas las chicas, y por otro lado a Hori, el presidente del club que no interpreta papeles y solo se dedica a hacer los fondos.