A year in the life of five slow-moving residents of the Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica, a place dedicated to saving orphaned or injured sloths. Buttercup gets a new throne, a romance develops between two three-toed bradypuses, and the resident scientist gets to the bottom of the ugly business of sloth digestion.
An emergency rescue puts sanctuary vet Marcello on the spot, a love triangle leaves bradypus Samantha marginalized, and the resident scientist puts sloth speed to the test.
Sensitive Linus hits a rocky patch when the nursery manager has to leave the sanctuary, and the resident scientist reveals which of the species is a natural born swimmer.
A visit from a wild mother and baby almost ends in disaster, young Choloepus Tigger starts to display un-slothlike tendencies, and the resident scientist tries to find out what excites the females of the species.
The sanctuary's `Lothario' Randy succumbs to an infection, a new arrival gets an almost presidential welcome, and the resident scientist unravels the secrets of sloth attraction.
The sanctuary team members work to save a poisoned sloth. They also try to find a much-loved toy, and the resident scientist attempts to pin down the secret of sloth `manliness'.
Two rehabilitated sloths are released back into the wild, the team reveals the athletic secrets of the jungle gym, and the resident scientist inspects a sloth skeleton.
A tracking system is tested by sanctuary favorite Sidwiggy, the nursery manager becomes an anger management counselor, and the scientist discusses sloth fur.