Two scuba divers off the coast of Monte Carlo find an old treasure chest then something attacks and grabs one of them. At Torrington Academy Martin pulls a series of practical jokes on Diana and claims she's no fun so she vows to prove him wrong. Called to Centre they avoid eating MOM's inedible cooking and take the first warpgate to Monte Carlo. Diana interviews (and develops a crush on) Stefan the remaining diver who claims he has no idea what attacked them of why. Something big and unseen attacks the wharf and drags off a boat and Martin & the gang follow. They go diving in the area the diver disappeared and Java meet ""Rover"" his old dolphin-like pet from his caveman days. Diana finds an ancient coin where the treasure chest used to be at the start of the show and they enter an underwater cave but something carries off Diana. Java and Martin follow and track her signal to a giant sea monster which swallows them whole.
Un vieux coffre contenant des pièces d'or a été trouvé en mer, au large de Monte-Carlo. Le fait de sortir le coffre des eaux troubles a eu pour effet de réveiller un monstre marin géant, dont la mission est de veiller sur le trésor...
Un antic cofre del tresor s'ha desenterrat del fons del mar a la costa de Montecarlo. La bona notícia és que és ple de lingots d'or. La mala notícia és que en treure el cofre de les aigües tèrboles ha despertat el Leviatan... el monstre marí gegant que dedica la seva vida a protegir aquest tresor.
Der Hafen von Monte Carlo wird immer wieder von schweren Erschütterungen heimgesucht. Diesem Phänomen sollen Martin, Diana und Java auf den Grund gehen. Schon bald entdecken sie, dass die Erschütterungen von einem riesigen Seeungeheuer, dem Leviathan, ausgelöst werden … (Text: Sky)