Yukina kehrt zur Schule zurück und hofft, dass alles wieder seinen normalen Gang gehen wird. Doch als sie den neuen Transferschüler sieht, ist sie entsetzt.
Kennosuke's introduction into the modern world continues. His fellow mobile armor pilots decide his callsign is " Ken". Both Yukina and Kennosuke are apperently linked with implants to the steed and the giant, to some dismay of at least one of the other mobile suit pilots. Just when "Ken" is settling into Yukon's class and school a call to arms is given.
Yukina ritorna a scuola con la speranza di tornare alla normalità, ma resta sconvolta quando vede il nuovo studente di scambio.
여러 사건이 있던 이후로 다시 학교로 돌아간 유키나. 평온한 삶을 바라는 유키나의 반에 전학생이 오고, 유키나는 전학생의 얼굴을 보고 깜짝 놀란다.
Yukina wraca do szkoły licząc, że jej życie wreszcie wraca do normy. Jednak rzut oka na nowego studenta z wymiany sprawia, że przechodzą ją ciarki.
Yukina gaat terug naar school en hoopt dat alles weer bij het oude is, totdat ze tot haar grote schrik ziet wie de nieuwe overgeplaatste student is.