Nach einer Katastrophe an Bord der Sidonia sollen Nagate und sein Team eine wertvolle Waffe abholen. Um einen Freund zu retten, missachtet Nagate absichtlich Befehle.
After killing the members of the Akai squad, the gauna proceeds en route of collision with Sidonia and Captain Kobayashi orders an emergency evasive maneuver that causes massive casualties at the ship's residential area, despite the citizens' efforts to brace themselves, but succeeds. As the gauna makes a turn back to target the ship again, Kobayashi orders dozens of guardians to defend it, and sends Kunato, Shizuka and Nagate to salvage one of the weapons used by the KIA squad to fight the gauna, the Kabizashi. However, just as Nagate's team retrieves the artifact, the gauna turns their attention to them and fires a blast that incapacitates all their units, except for Nagate's Tsugumori. Shizuka's unit goes out of control forcing her to bail out and instead of following his orders to tow the other two guardians back, Nagate grabs the Kabizashi and fights the gauna head on, destroying it with certain ease. As the others celebrate his feat, Nagate disobeys orders once more and leaves in search for Shizuka, despite being warned that he is distancing himself from Sidonia to a point of no return.
Sidonialla tapahtuu katastrofi, ja Nagate joukkoineen lähtee hakemaan arvokasta asetta. Hän uhmaa käskyä suojellakseen ystäväänsä.
Après la catastrophe survenue à bord du Sidonia, Nagate doit récupérer une précieuse arme. Il décide ensuite de braver les interdits pour voler au secours d'une amie.
Dopo il disastro a bordo della Sidonia, Nagate e la squadra sono incaricati di recuperare un'arma preziosa ma il giovane è pronto a disobbedire agli ordini per amicizia.
시도니아 최강이라 일컬어졌지만 가우나 한 체에 순식간에 전멸하고만 아카이 팀. 가우나는 곧바로 진로를 시도니아로 향하였는데... 최악의 결말을 피하기 위해 함장 코바야시는 수많은 희생을 낳을 결단을 내리게 된다.
Tras matar a todos los miembros del equipo de Akai, el Gauna 487 avanza en curso de colisión hacia Sidonia, lo que lleva a Kobayashi a tomar una difícil decisión con un elevado coste.
После катастрофы на борту Сидонии Нагатэ и его команда получают приказ достать ценное оружие. Впоследствии он нарушает приказ, чтобы спасти друга.