Kaiji commences to play with the last ¥10 million he borrowed from Endō for a final assault, unaware that Ichijō has tilted the machine in the same direction that Kaiji's group tilted the building, thus creating an almost insurmountable tilt on the first two plates. When half of the money is gone, Ichijō gloats to Kaiji that he can never win, but Kaiji says that he knows about the tilt. As the crowd watches, Kaiji tapes three ¥10,000 bills to the glass, hiding the three plates. In frustration, Ichijō rips them off to see a number of balls circulating on the plates because the losing holes have become clogged with balls which are unable to exit the machine. This increases Kaiji's probability of winning, however they still do not drop into the winning hole.
遠藤の逃亡資金、1000万を借り、再び戦いの場に戻ったカイジ。 カイジ、一条、それぞれの勝利への確信が交叉する、最終決戦がはじまる。 カイジは「最後の最後に見せてやる!オレの飛びっきりの秘術…魔法を!」と言い、パチンコ台のクルーンの前にセロテープで万札を貼る。そこには誰もが想像しえなかった、計算外の現象、勝負のアヤが!!!
엔도의 도피 자금 천만 엔을 빌려서 다시 늪으로 돌아온 카이지. 카이지와 이치죠의 최종결전이 시작된다. 카이지는 갑자기 '늪'의 원반 앞에 테이프로 만 엔 지폐를 붙이고, 관중은 술렁인다. 같은 시각, 지폐로 가려진 원반에서는 아무도 예상하지 못한 일이 벌어지고 있었다.
Kaiji lance un dernier assaut contre le Marais avec les dix millions qu'il a empruntés à Endô. Ichijô, quant à lui, est certain de sa victoire. Après avoir refait pencher la machine, il sait que les billes ne peuvent plus entrer dans le trou gagnant. Kaiji, pourtant, a l'air aussi sûr de lui…