Our three friends are on their own in the wilderness. Coincidentally, Smutz and Blitz are "hunting" trolls for an article, but see Jungo instead. They phone the General, who immediately takes off. Jungo, Rita and the Elf continue their walk in the cold. Jungo has to cope with both an eagle and a wolverine. By the edge of the dark ocean, the General's heli-jet shows up and chases them, but it can't land. Our friends end up on an ice floe, drifting out to an island where they see reindeer, and a polar bear that's being shot with an anesthetic dart - there are scientists on the island. The Elf hobbles on through the snow, but Rita and Jungo are exhausted. Before they pass out, they think they see a man dressed in red on a sleigh...
Generalen fra Junglandia får igjen et tips om hvor Jungeldyret Hugo og Rita befinner seg.