In the mountains, the bear misses the easy life as a movie-star. Rita and Jungo want to find food to cheer him up, but get caught by trolls. Cocky Jungo teases the trolls by claiming he's "the master of tricks". The trolls take Rita as hostage to force him to prove his statement: He will make trespassing hunters leave the trolls' land. Jungo's plan is to let the bear scare them away, but first he has to take their gun which scares the poor bear stiff. At last, the hunters get scared into their tent. The trolls grab it as a sack and throw it down a slope to a Ranger's cabin - where the hunters get arrested for poaching.
Bjørnen savner sitt filmstjerneliv, så Jungeldyret Hugo og Rita leter etter mat for å oppmuntre ham.