Nach einem alten deutschen Märchen.
Das Waisenkind Anja muß für den bösen Troll schwerste Aufgaben lösen. Als er stirbt, besitzt Anja ein Schloß. Viele Freier bemühen sich um sie. Doch sie liebt den Gärtner.
From an early German folk tale.
A troll had a daughter, but she left straight off. So the troll took another to replace her to wait on him hand and foot. Her name is Anja and she has no father and she has no mother, so the troll is her other. Trolls are always contradicting themselves and this one used a stick and Anja gets that stick across her back frequently. This troll sets Anja an impossible task of plucking 20 pounds feathers and placing them into sacks without a single one escaping. So Anja tries and cannot do it and thinks if there is anyone who can help her. From her thoughts a lion appears and does the task for her. Shocked, the troll gives her another task to empty a pond with a spoon full of holes. So the lion comes and drinks it dry. Now the troll tells her to build a palace before the end of the day. The lion puts Anja to sleep and when the troll kicks her awake, a palace is there.
על פי סיפור גרמני עתיק. סיפורם של אניה הצעירה, הטרול שמעביד אותה בפרך, האריה שנחלץ לעזרתה והנסיך בו התאהבה.
Na temelju stare njemačke narodne priče. Trol je imao kći, ali je odmah otišla. Tako je trol uzeo drugu djevojku da je zamijeni i da mu radi. Njezino ime je Anja i nema oca niti majku, tako da joj je trol jedina obitelj. Daje joj nemoguće zadaće, a zatim je tuče "batinom proturječnosti" ako zabrlja. Trol radi sve kako bi joj život bio jadan dok ona jednog dana ne poželi želju koju čuje Mudri lav, čudesna zvijer sva u bijelom, koja umjesto nje završi sve njene nemoguće zadatke. Kad nađe svoju pravu ljubav, on jednog dana nestane, a Anja ga krene tražiti. Kad ga napokon nađe, uvidi da ga je začarala trolova zla kći - trolica...
Basado en Al este del Sol y al oeste de la luna, un cuento popular noruego parte del Norske Folkeeventyr. Un troll era padre de una hija, pero ésta lo abandonó. De este modo el troll se procuró otra muchacha para reemplazarla y acompañarlo noche y día. Su nombre era Anja, huérfana de padre y madre. Endosándole tareas imposibles y luego golpeándola con la "vara de las contradicciones" cuando no las podía cumplir, ella, un día, pide un deseo. Su deseo es escuchado por el León Pensativo, una espléndida bestia blanca que completa sus tareas imposibles. Cuando ella encuentra el amor verdadero, él desaparece un día, así que Anja parte para encontrarlo...en las manos de la malvada hija del Troll.