An unplanned meeting leads to lunchtime chaos. A prank show goes awry at the mall. The "Little Buff Boys" competition. A ghost tour guest goes too far.
A mistaken identity at work. The new "Tammy Craps" doll. Some interesting instructional videos during a Driver's Ed class and an attempted ear-piercing.
A TV pundit copes with conflict. Team building breaks down. Is Ronnie here for the right reasons? A dad tries to look tough. James asks for a ride home.
A VR shopping spree takes a turn. Consider a high-security dog door! Ponytail problems. A bad egg at the office. Old wounds surface at a sitcom taping.
Amanda, do not say Randall is interesting. Father of the bride vs. a wedding photo booth. A new small-talk strategy at a party yields unexpected results.
Banana breath at sensitivity training. Technical issues hit Metal Motto Search. Don Bon Darley loses his touch. What's up with Draven’s Tasty Time Vids?