Vinnie gets blamed for the Duckys' misdeeds, he finds himself only one detention away from expulsion. After frantically trying to stop the Duckys' ongoing rule-breaking spree, Vinnie and Rocket realize they must beat the bad guys at their own game.
Vinnie and Rocket discover three overdue library books, but instead of paying the fines, Rocket tries to dodge them with a little help from time travel. Unfortunately, he leaves Vinnie owing billions in fines, and together they must find the money any way they can.
Keiner macht das, was Vinnie möchte. Er fühlt sich unverstanden. In der Schule wird er dazu verdonnert, den Papierkram von Ma Duckie zu erledigen, die krankgeschrieben ist. Mit Hilfe von Rocket erledigt er den Papierkram so außerordentlich schnell und gründlich, dass die Schulbehörde ihn zum Schuldirektor ernennt. Vize Stern fühlt sich übergangen, da er schon seit Jahren Schuldirektor werden wollte, und zieht in den Himalaya.
To free Vinnie from the tyranny of the Duckys, Rocket offers Frankie Ducky the thing she wants most - a date with Vinnie! By the time Vinnie finds out, the date is halfway over, and Rocket must help Vinnie to stick it out.
To gain the respect of the city, Vinnie decides to become a risk-taking daredevil, just like Rocket. But when a stunt goes wrong, Vinnie loses his reputation, and worse, Rocket loses his nerve! Vinnie must help his friend overcome his fear and regain his courage.
When Vinnie and Rocket learn that the most ill-mannered student at school will be sent on a luxury cruise to learn proper polite behavior, they decide to transform Vinnie from nice, clean and gentlemanly, into the most disgusting pupil ever to walk the halls.
The Ducky's are taking out their bad mood on the entire town, so when Rocket helpfully gets rid of them for Vinnie, the two become town heroes. But life without their sworn enemies isn't as fun as they thought t would be, and Vinnie and Rocket realize they must do the unimaginable; they must get the Ducky's back!
When Ma Ducky rewrites the school rule book, Vinnie and Rocket find that everything they do only gets them into trouble. So Prof Q installs a good behavior chip into Rocket to keep him on the right side of the law, unwittingly turning Rocket from Vinnie's best friend into Ma Ducky's rule-abiding henchman!
Trouble strikes when Vinnie unwillingly runs for Class President against Biffo Ducky! Knowing his life won't be worth living if he wins, Vinnie enlists Rocket to make sure he loses the election. But the harder he tries to lose, the closer he comes to winning as they votes swing firmly in his favor!
In an attempt to take the greatest school photo ever, Vinnie and Rocket use Prof Q's latest invention, but Vinnie ends up with a foot growing out of his head! Embarrassed and shunned by classmates, Vinnie soon learns to accept his extra foot and turn it into the coolest fashion accessory ever.
With the promise of a golden game card, Vinnie and Rocket try to perform a year's worth of good deeds n a single day. But their frenzy of helping ends up making matters worse, until Vinnie learns that good deeds are done for bigger reasons than prizes.
Prof Q enrolls Vinnie and Rocket n The Scouts to follow in his footsteps and become the best scout ever. But when Vinnie enlists the help of Rocket in his high-tech quest for badges, it only hinders him. Vinnie learns that sometimes he must do things on his own, without his Rocket's help.
When Vinnie discovers Rocket's cash value, he becomes worried his pal will be stolen, and rightly so, as the Duckys strip Rocket down for spare parts. Even though Prof Q installs Rocket's bran in a toaster, it's not the same, so Vinnie trades everything he owns to get his friend's fuselage back.
When Vinnie breaks V.P. Stern's nerd, he finds himself forced to compete in an inter-school genius quiz. Worried about being seen as a brainy nerd, Vinnie enlists Rocket's help in dumbing him down. But when he discovers his father is the question master, Vinnie has to reverse his training and try winning the competition.
After Rocket's chips get fired with electricity, he and Vinnie begin receiving emails from the future. Knowing the news from tomorrow s helpful, as Vinnie aces his test and outwits the Duckys. But when tomorrow's happenings become harrowing, Vinnie finds that trying to change the future only causes more trouble.
When Vinnie's interpretation of his favorite song is contested, he and Rocket go on a journey to discover the truth; asking the coolest person they know, Prof Q's lyrics machine, and even Frankie, who is president of the musician's fan club. He even sacrifices his concert ticket to find out. When everyone disagrees with him, Vinnie's confidence fails and Rocket urges him to be confident, as they go ask the singer himself, to prove Vinnie is correct.
When Vinnie finds himself overwhelmed with chores, Prof Q comes up with a scientific solution; installing a cleaning chip into Rocket. Despite being told not to alter the chip, Vinnie and Rocket toy with it to increase the cleaning speed so they can have more leisure time. But when the chip goes wild, Rocket goes on a make-over spree, much to everyone's annoyance, until the only thing Vinnie and Rocket can do to escape s make themselves over
Vinnie and Rocket's friend Gabby feels like they take her for granted, so she gets a makeover and quickly becomes the school's most popular student. Now Vinnie and Rocket find themselves missing her and try to win back her friendship, but when their plan involves kidnapping her and forcing her to be their friend, she must teach them how to be better friends.
When the Duckies open a diner to rival Joe's Milk Bar, Vinnie and Rocket vow to do everything they can to put them out of business and save Maya's job. The only trouble s, the Duckys' food s fantastic, and they soon find themselves spending more time at the rival restaurant. When Maya discovers their betrayal, Vinnie and Rocket decide to make a signature dish to bring the customers back to Joe's.
Vinnie longs to be recognized for his "awesomeness" and get his picture on the school's Wall of Fame. But his rival for the spot s Scuds Ducky, forcing Vinnie into a competition with the brash Ducky and his cheating siblings. Despite being over matched by the Duckys, in the final contest, Vinnie and Rocket save Scuds from danger, creating a new winner of the Wall of Fame picture...Rocket!
When Vinnie becomes Biffo's new study partner, he's sure life will be terrible. But away from his siblings, Biffo s friendly, intelligent and articulate. Unfortunately, when the other Duckys are around, he reverts to his old ways. Vinnie thinks about quitting as Biffo's partner, but decides with Rocket to help Biffo overcome his affliction. They are successful, until Biffo decides that his old ways were more fun.
When V.P. Stern quits, Vinnie is made Vice Principal of his school. The power soon goes to his head, and he exploits it to make his life easier. But Vinnie learns that with power comes responsibility, and he discovers that running a school s hard work. When the school starts to fall apart, Vinnie and Rocket must convince V.P. Stern to return and take charge again.
Vinnie refuses to prepare for the future because it's so dull and far off. But when a Space Ranger captain comes to the school, Vinnie and Rocket decide it would be the perfect profession for them and they enroll, only to discover that the job s hardly glamorous and requires a ton of boring training and labor. They quit, but are soon called to duty to save the captain and find their training saves the day.
Vinnie and Rocket find an mp3 player and try to do the right thing by handing it in to lost property. But when the lost property office is closed, Vinnie and Rocket must keep the mp3 player overnight, quickly developing an attachment to it. They want to do the right thing, but are coerced by the Duckys into keeping it. However, their guilty consciences are drowned out by the magnified sounds of the mp3 player, until it drives them mad enough to give the player back
Vinnie thinks school will be much cooler without teachers, but he and Rocket soon discover that teachers were the only thing standing between them and complete wedgie chaos.
For a class assignment, Vinnie writes about his life with Rocket. When his story is published, Vinnie becomes a celebrity. However, he has invented a few episodes in the story, which people start believing is true.
Prof Q has inventor's block, which means he can no longer come up with cool attachments to help Vinnie get out of trouble. Fortunately, he has invented one last, mysterious attachment that must only be used as a last resort.