Taro has received a trial summons. Seems the plaintiff thinks it was Taro's cat that scratched up the hood of his car and he wants compensation for it. But since it wasn't Taro's cat in the photos and since the plaintiff is so obnoxious, Taro decides he can tackle this case alone. Meanwhile, Taro's Grandma has her mind set on a change of life for herself.
太郎(オダギリ ジョー)らの元に、裁判所から太郎の亡くなった祖父宛てに訴状が届く。白黒の猫が車に傷を付けたため賠償金を請求すると書かれており、太郎は「うちの猫じゃない」と楽観視する。しかし、裁判所に出廷しなくてはいけなくなり、太郎は三枝(勝地涼)と共に弁護士に相談しに行くことに。