Die Dörfler müssen sich entscheiden: Opfern sie Lyrule oder lassen sie es zu einem Krieg kommen?
Thanks to quick thinking on the part of Prince Akatsuki, their world's top magician, the villagers of Elm Village manage to escape danger. However, Lyrule has been kidnapped and taken away to Findolf, the heinous lord of their region. The villagers are filled with righteous anger, but there's no way their village will remain safe if they defy their lord. As a politician, Tsukasa proposes the resolution that would result in the least sacrifices for the villages, however, he ultimately resolves to lend them his aid when they decide to unite to rescue Lyrule and seek his help. Using their talents and skills, Tsukasa and the others lead the rebellion against the lord, knowing that it would mean fundamentally altering the way things were in this new world.
Les prouesses de Masato à Dolmund conduisent les chevaliers du marquis Findolf à vouloir demander des comptes au village d'Elm. Malheureusement, l'altercation tourne au vinaigre, et Lilulu est capturée. Comment Tsukasa, fin négociateur, pense gérer cette situation avec des villageois prêts à se révolter contre la gouvernance actuelle ?
Tras el secuestro de Lyrule por parte de los nobles, los protagonistas organizan una rebelión popular con el resto de habitantes de la aldea y se preparan para ¿cambiar el mundo?
يعمل حاكم فيندولف المهووس بالجنس على اختطاف ليرول والتي ضحّت بنفسها لتكون ساقطة له مقابل حماية أهل قريتها. تصل الأنباء لأهل القرية فيعزم تسوكاسا على اقتحام قلعة الحاكم وإنقاذ ليرول وهو يعلم تماماً أن هناك عواقب وخيمة لذلك الأمر لكنّه قرّر هو وبقية الأبطال وأهل القرية أن يواجهوا تلك العواقب ويغيّروا العالم.