Ryan finally gets to meet his biological mother. However, the 26 years of being separated don't make it easy for a passionate reunion. Moreover, the words she speaks differ from his memories, making it even harder for him to understand. It's not until he discovers the hidden truth behind her soap bubble paintings that turns him around. Meanwhile, Deok Mi prepares a special event for Ryan.
"웃지 마요! 울고 싶은 얼굴로.."
드디어 친어머니를 만나게 된 라이언!
하지만 26년의 간격은 쉽게 메워지지 않고..
엇갈리는 기억 속, 라이언이 발견하게 되는 비눗방울 그림의 진실은?
한편, 덕미는 라이언을 위해 특별한 이벤트를 준비하는데..!
萊恩終於和母親相認了,但卻還是沒辦法打開母子倆的心結,因此時安特地將母親的電話號碼給萊恩,希望他們兩人能好好談談,兩人談過之後,得知當年母親不是有意拋棄他的,但萊恩對被扔在育幼院的記憶猶新,因此還是無法釋懷,最後在時安和德美的安排下,讓萊恩見到母親的最後一幅畫作,才讓萊恩回憶起小時候和母親的幸福模樣,這才解開兩人的心結。 萊恩解開心結後,依然還是無法作畫,德美因此想出了辦法,拿自己生日為藉口,希望萊恩能夠畫她,這才讓萊恩提起了畫筆⋯
Duk‑mi encuentra otras dos pinturas de Lee Sol y se da cuenta de algo muy importante sobre la artista. Ryan le da a Gong Eun‑yeong la oportunidad de explicarse.
Duk-mi encontra mais dois quadros de Lee Sol e percebe algo sobre eles. Ryan dá a Gong Eun-yeong uma chance de se explicar.
Duk-mi stöbert zwei weitere Lee Sol-Gemälde auf und bemerkt etwas an den Gemälden. Ryan gibt Gong Eun-yeong eine Chance, sich zu rechtfertigen.