It’s Deok Mi’s birthday and Ryan makes it very special for her. When the day couldn’t get any better, Deok Mi learns the truth about the boy, Yoon Jae, and also realizes that she had been the only one who was living in the dark. When she comes around to understanding everything, she realizes how much the people around her mean to her once again.
"보고 싶었어.. 정말".
덕미의 생일. 이번엔 라이언이 준비한 서프라이즈 선물이 덕미를 감동시키고!
서로의 어린 시절 사진을 보며 추억을 쌓아나가는 두 사람.
한편, 라이언의 과거를 둘러싼 마지막 퍼즐이 드디어 맞춰지는데!
為了德美生日,萊恩精心安排,讓時安幫德美慶生,德美心花怒放,度過了開心的生日。 萊恩從親生母親那邊得到了小時候的照片,恩奇看到後,確定萊恩就是當年英淑撿回家又丟到育幼院的允在後,便將萊恩就是允在一事告訴了英淑,一直對當年往事相當愧疚的英淑相當驚訝,德美本來不能諒解母親當年的行為,但德美父親告訴了德美當年德秀的事情,英淑也是不得已才會拋棄允在,才讓德美決定要和萊恩及母親一起面對過去的傷痛⋯
Duk‑mi celebra su cumpleaños y le muestra a Ryan fotos de su niñez que despiertan recuerdos ya olvidados y le hacen advertir una conexión pasada.
Duk-mi comemora seu aniversário e mostra fotos da infância para Ryan, resgatando memórias esquecidas e uma conexão antiga.
Duk-mi feiert ihren Geburtstag und zeigt Ryan Fotos aus ihrer Kindheit, wodurch vergessene Erinnerungen an eine Verbindung in der Vergangenheit ausgelöst werden.