体から武器を出し入れする……それはロマン!? 神様から「骨が武器」の生き物を依頼された木村は、自分の肋骨を改造しまくっていた。時に肋骨を折られたり、時に酸欠になったり。これだけ体を張ったのだから、きっと強くてカッコいい生き物が生まれる、はず!?
The ability to have a concealed weapons inside your body... isn't that the dream?! Tasked with the order for an animal that uses "bones as weapons", Jupiter begins to alter his own ribs like mad. Due to this, his ribs break, or he runs out of oxygen. After he put his body on the line this much, surely the new creature will be really cool, right?!
Deus faz um pedido de animais com rituais de acasalamento que façam o coração palpitar, e cada um dos designers tem uma abordagem diferente ao problema proposto. Shimoda fala com eles para avaliar o progresso do pedido.
Diesmal lautet der Auftrag: Reizendes Balzverhalten. Doch die Designer haben sehr unterschiedliche Vorstellungen davon …
Mizushima et Kimura s'affrontent pour savoir qui trouvera le meilleur animal qui utilisera ses os comme armes, et tout le monde travaille sur une parade nuptiale piquante.