Um den Hochzeitsvorbereitungen zu entgehen, kümmert sich Amy lieber um ein Pferd, das gerettet wurde. Doch der große Tag gerät in Gefahr, als Ty aus dem Nichts wegen Körperverletzung inhaftiert wird. Georgie macht sich indes Hoffnungen, dass Peter und Lou vielleicht doch wieder zusammenkommen könnten und Tim erzählt Casey, was er für sie empfindet.
Lou spearheads preparations for the big day while Amy throws herself into gentling a rescue horse in order to avoid all the craziness. But Amy and Ty's happy future is jeopardized when Ty is unexpectedly arrested for assault. Meanwhile, Georgie observes an intimate moment between Lou and Peter and nurtures hope that they are getting back together. And Tim risks telling Casey how he feels about her, and then obsesses over her response.
Lou spearheads preparations for the big day while Amy throws herself into gentling a rescue horse in order to avoid all the wedding craziness. But Amy and Ty’s happy future is jeopardized when Ty is unexpectedly arrested for assault. Meanwhile, Georgie observes an intimate moment between Lou and Peter and nurtures hope that they are getting back together. And Tim risks telling Casey how he feels about her, and then obsesses over her response.
Desbordada por tantas tareas previas a la boda, Amy se distrae con un caballo de rescate, pero todo el evento corre peligro cuando arrestan a Ty por agresión.