Die Familie versucht, der am Boden zerstörten Georgie zu helfen, nachdem Lou und Peter ihr erzählt haben, dass sie sich trennen wollen. Besonders Amy kümmert sich um sie und hilft ihr dabei, die nötige Stärke und die Entschlossenheit zurückzugewinnen, um für das anstehende Turnier gut gerüstet zu sein. Tim entdeckt, dass er immer noch eine Menge über Casey lernen kann.
The family strives to support a devastated Georgie when Lou and Peter are forced to tell her about their separation, and Amy helps Georgie find the strength and determination she needs to deal with the terrible news while training for an upcoming trick riding competition. Meanwhile, Ty jumps to Caleb's defense when Jesse calls in Caleb's loan, effectively ruining him.
The family strives to support a devastated Georgie when Lou and Peter are forced to tell her about their separation, and Amy helps Georgie find the strength and determination she needs to deal with the terrible news while training for an upcoming trick riding competition. Meanwhile, Ty jumps to Caleb’s defense when Jesse calls in Caleb’s loan, effectively ruining him. And when Tim enlists Casey to help him cover for Lou at the diner, he discovers that they still have a lot to learn about each other.
Cuando Lou y Peter anuncian su separación, Amy intenta ayudar a Georgie a superar el dolor.