Tazuna und Koyori werden angegriffen von dem jungen Idol Kodoma. Doch wie es überhaupt zu diesem Kampf kam und viel mehr noch: wie er ausgehen wird, ist noch unklar.
While shopping, Tazuna and Koyori get thrown into another Hand Shaker battle. This time, they are up against Kodama Awaza, a popular idol famed for her singing and widely recognisable through her prominent pigtails and use of proverbs. Accompanying her as her partner is her portly manager Hibiki Moriyama. As they begin to duel, Kodama gains the upper hand as her Nimrod begins to affect the world of Ziggurat directly, forcing Tazuna and Koyori to retreat as Kodama prepares to deal the final blow. In the process of escaping, Tazuna is gravely injured and brought back to Makihara's lab for recuperation and recovery. When he is finally discharged, Koyori reveals her worries of being her burden to him due to her absence of a Nimrod to Lily while crying bitterly over Tazuna.
Tazuna emmène Koyori faire du shopping, mais en chemin, ils sont attaqués par un nouveau duo de Hand Shakers : Kodama et Hibiki.
ぼろぼろのタヅナと、彼を心配そうに見るコヨリ。 二人は窮地に立たされていた。 前に立ちはだかるのは、きらびやかな衣装に身を包んだ少女と、スーツ姿の男――現役アイドル阿波座こだま(コダマ)と彼女のマネージャーである盛山 響(ヒビキ)。 彼らの手にはニムロデが握られていた。
Tazuna e Koyori incontrano la loro prossima avversaria: Kodama, una potente cantante idol che ha sconfitto diversi altri Hand Shaker. Lei e il suo produttore sono i più forti avversari mai incontrati e, insieme, sbaragliano Single Gear. A stento, Tazuna fugge nell'acqua che scorre sotto un ponte nelle vicinanze...