Das Schulfest steht bevor - und da soll es lecker Essen geben. Leider weiß niemand, wo man Lebensmittel herbekommt, und alle Mädels in der Klasse, die kochen können, haben sich spontan den Arm gebrochen. Tazuna und Koyori eilen zur Rettung!
Tazuna returns to Makihara's lab, and questions him about his identity, to which Makihara reveals the truth that he was once a Hand Shaker. With much on his mind about it, Tazuna is further forced to help with the school's festival, where Tazuna's class is setting up a booth with free snacks. Asked to approach Lily, Tazuna apologises for the incident, to which Lily bats it away, and casually offers help, but turns out is unable to. Tazuna then asks Chizuru and Hayate for help, to which Chizuru makes Koyori wear a kimono to advertise their company. Problem solved with getting ingredients, Koyori then reveals her interest in cooking and offers to help out with the booth. After a busy two days of working, Koyori prepares a special meal for Tazuna.
Place au festival de l’école de Tazuna ! Mais avant les festivités, le jeune homme pose la question qui fâche à M. Makihara au sujet de son passé. Était-il ou non un Hand Shaker ?
学園祭の準備で学校中が浮き立つ中、タヅナはマキハラの研究室を訪れていた。 マキハラは昔、ハンドシェイカーだった。 先日コヨリを探している時、男から聞かされた言葉。 タヅナはそれを確かめようとしていたのだ。 だがそこで彼はマキハラから驚くべき真実を告げられる――。
È il momento del festival studentesco, e la classe di Tazuna è in grossi guai! Il macchinario è rotto, le cuoche si sono rotte le braccia, e non hanno modo di procurarsi a poco prezzo gli ingredienti di cui necessitano per il loro chiosco dei rinfreschi.