The Try Fighters' opponent in the final round will be last year's regional champion, team G-Master from the Miyazato Institute. The two teams prepare for the final battle, each with their own resolve and desires. The battlefield for the final match is the space fortress Solomon. Outside the fortress, Yuuma's Lightning Gundam exchanges fire with Sudou, who is using the Mega-Shiki built by Minato Sakai of the Shingyo school. Meanwhile, Sekai and Fumina begin a battle inside the fortress with Suga and Sakashita, who were already lying in wait for them. As the fierce fighting continues, Sekai and Fumina exit the fortress. Sudou attempts to shoot them down with his high mega particle cannon, but Yuuma stops him as they trade simultaneous blows. Battered and broken, Sekai and Suga cling to the hope of victory, clashing in a final desperate effort.
Try Fighters的决赛对手确定,是去年地区预赛的优胜学校,宫里学院的队伍G大师。双方把各自的决心和意念埋藏于心,挑战决赛。决战的战场是宇宙要塞所罗门。正当须藤操作着由心形流阪井凑所制作的百万式和佑马的闪电高达在要塞外的宇宙区域打得难解难分之际,世海和文奈也在要塞内遇上事先埋伏的须贺等人,并展开战斗。两方旗鼓相当,打得火热,期间佑马成功阻止须藤以超级米加粒子炮攻击由要塞出来的世海和文奈,并和他同归于尽。纵使已打至伤痕累累,但从没放弃过胜利的世海和须贺仍拼尽最后一分力战斗到底。当世海带着文奈与佑马的意念,与创制燃焰高达化为一体时,红莲之火炎顿时燃烧起来!