The Try Fighters have made it into the semifinals as one of the best four teams. A drawing is held to determine the brackets, and they are matched up with Suiryu Academy. Meanwhile, Gyanko’s team from St. Odessa Girls’ School will face last year’s regional champion, the Miyazato Institute. As if from the pressure of fighting the previous champion school, Gyanko comes crying to Sekai before the battle. Out of compassion, Fumina leaves Gyanko alone with Sekai at a fast food restaurant, but it turns out that Gyanko is just playing on Sekai’s sympathy to make him agree to a date. Despite her meek behavior, Gyanko’s strategy fails when Sekai realizes her intentions. Then they suddenly run into Yomi Sakashita and Akira Suga from the Miyazato Institute, and Suga declares that Sekai’s Jigen Haoh school of kenpo won’t work on him. As they go to face their respective semifinals opponents, Gyanko and Sekai promise each other that they’ll meet in the final round…
Try Fighters终于来到了只剩四强的半决赛。通过抽签,最终的对战组合确定了,分别是Try Fighters对战水龙学园,强子的圣敖德萨学园对战宫里学院高中。似乎是因为受到要对战去年的优胜学校的压力,强子向世海诉苦。由于文奈的好意,强子得以和世海两人单独留在快餐店,实则这是强子为了博取世海同情,促使他许下约会承诺的一次作战计划。虽然她表现得温婉柔弱,但仍然被世海识破而以失败告终。而恰逢宫里学院高中的阪下与须贺也在场,须贺随即向偶遇的世海喊话道「次元霸王流拳法对我是没有用的。」分别之际,世海与强子约定「决赛上见」,并向半决赛进发。