In order to get closer to Ichiko, Momiji transfers into her class, much to Ichiko's displeasure. As Momiji continues to bother her, Ichiko meets Bobby, a perverted travelling priest with the ability to detect fortune energy, giving her an item called the Soumin Shourai, allowing her to manifest her good fortune into various creatures. Momiji responds by manifesting her own monsters out of her misfortune, but they turn out to be useless and she is soundly beaten.
Para acercarse a Ichiko, Momiji se transfiere a su clase, para disgusto de Ichiko. Mientras Momiji continúa molestándola, Ichiko conoce a Bobby, un sacerdote viajero pervertido con la capacidad de detectar la energía de la fortuna, y le regala un objeto llamado Soumin Shourai, que le permite manifestar su buena fortuna en varias criaturas. Momiji responde manifestando sus propios monstruos debido a su desgracia, pero resultan inútiles y ella es fuertemente golpeada.