Der Kampf gegen den Dunklen Ritter blieb nicht ohne Folgen. Das Ausmaß der Zerstörung ist massiv, viele Menschen wurden verschüttet. Luke wird an seine eigene Kindheit erinnert und beginnt mehr und mehr zu verstehen, was seine Mutter ihn lehren wollte.
Emergency services deal with the casualties from the battle. Meifang patches up Luke and reminds him of his duty to destroy Horrors, their number increasing since some protective barriers have been destroyed. He experiences the effort made by humans to selflessly help others. Again Luke thinks back to his time as a child training with his parents to fight Horrors and how his father killed his mother in a quest for greater power. He recalls his dying mother's words that power is not an end in itself, but to be used to protect others and realizes that he must follow Sword to El Dorado to help him confront its king.
Sword e Sophie partiram. Luke vaga pela cidade devastada, monitorando as barreiras que cercam a cidade e dando cabo dos Horrors que se infiltram por ela. Enquanto se recupera de suas lesões, ele reflete sobre o que realmente precisa fazer.
Mientras Sword y Sophie están fuera de la ciudad, Luke deberá hacer frente a un pasado que lo lleva atormentando toda la vida.
Sword e Sophie sono ormai partiti, Luke vaga per il paesaggio della città in rovina per monitorare le barriere che circondano la città.