Aron and Crosalis were lonely space drifters, transparent and without physical form. Aron turned himself into a train station (Ghost Station 13), so that he could have galaxy train passengers to land and play with his sister Crosalis. The 999 landed on station 13, but was trapped. Aron asked Maetel to provide her psychomagnetic waves (i.e., life energy), so that Crosalis could play with Tetsuro in physical form. Meanwhile, Galaxy Railways decided to destroy the ghost station, and advised the 999 to disembark immediately. The 999 could not escape in time, but Aron and Crosalis intercepted the destruction waves, out of gratitude for Maetel and Tetsuro.
"Je veux aussi monter à bord du 999," disent les frères, sans forme, flottant au loin. Touché par les paroles de son frère Crosalis, Aron arrête le 999 dans l'espoir de se mécaniser eux-mêmes dans la Station Fantôme n° 13. Le 999 est contraint de faire un arrêt d'urgence sur la Station n°13. Bien que le Conducteur accepte de s'y arrêter, lorsqu'il est interrogé par la Locomotive, ni lui ni Maetel n'ont entendu parler de cette planète. Sentant quelque chose d'anormal, la Locomotive ordonne de se retirer.