Dumas and Thoma fight for Helga, but Dumas has the upper hand thanks to being superhuman. Undeterred, Thoma and co. head off to find Helga once more, but Thoma is strangely entranced when he discovers Tina's body in one of those giant cylinders. The sight of it brings back Thoma's repressed memories...
Dumas finally defies Georca for once, and after being beaten Helga attempts to stand up for him to no avail. Finally they bond as brother and sister, and Helga beseeches him not to go through with his plan to kill Georca - however, Dumas knocks Helga out, and as Thoma is wracked with guilt over his past transgressions Dumas teleports outside the ship to finish his machinations...
게오르카의 우주선 잠입에 성공한 토마, 치트, 아기, 탈란트, 하스모다이는 듀마와 함께 이동하는 헬가를 발견한다. 토마가 헬가를 구출하려는 순간, 듀마는 헬가를 어딘가로 순간이동 시킨다. 또 다시 헬가를 찾기 위해 우주선 안을 돌아다니던 토마는 보존해둔 티나의 육체를 보고 자신의 전생의 기억을 떠올린다.