Dumas sends out his robot minions to take control of the GED Ring and the Organisation itself, while Cooks sneaks in to to stop its activation.
Meanwhile, Dumas himself detaches the segment of Georca's ship containing the bodies of the Girishian scientists and sends it crashing to the ocean - while Hasumodai, Talrant, Chitto and Thoma escape unharmed, and the bodies are left unscathed, Hiisuma's despair at Dumas' betrayal leaves him catatonic so he doesn't escape properly, and he dies on a beach with the other Children looking on sadly. In the meantime, Agi and Soreto confront Gherta with the truth about her past - that she was once Mel - and we learn why she lost her memory so suddenly in the first episode, as well as some more information about the Fragments of the Autozones.
아기와 소레트는 게드 링의 운행을 멈추게 하려 하지만 게오르카의 우주선에서 수많은 로봇들이 나타나 그들을 저지한다. 한편 우주선 안에 있는 듀마는 티나를 병기로 만든 과학자들에게 복수하기 위해 그들이 기리시아로 돌아갈 수 없도록 기리시아인의 육체를 폐기한다. 그리고 히스마는 죽음을 맞이하게 된다.