Cooks and Hollingworth travel to Clairmont and listen to Cooks' recording of the diary of a scientist named Radcliffe. Cooks' grandfather witnessed the death of Befort's Children in 1901, discovering a strange black stone at the scene. On handing this to Radcliffe, he begins to investigate it with the aid of X-rays and discovers numerous indecipherable, constantly shifting inscriptions inside. The GED Project was then set up to investigate the stone, but Radcliffe eventually discovers that the British government was already aware of Befort's Children and so journeys around Europe chasing their pasts. We discover that the children are named after a small village in Belgium, where the earliest record of their existence (1489) was found. However, Radcliffe was driven mad by his obsession with the Children and eventually was discredited and died.
Meanwhile the Children are already regrouping at Clairmont, where Hasmodai is once more entrapped by his past memories of family - however, Agi "saves" him by returning his memory recording. The other Children are not best pleased with him, yet Hasmodai still leans towards giving up their quest...
토마가 코크리 섬에 헬가와 치트를 숨겨준 사실을 알게 된 토마 엄마는 아이들을 집으로 데려온다. 헬가와 치트는 오랜만에 가족의 따뜻함을 느끼며 즐거운 시간을 보낸다. 헬가의 그림 속 장소를 어딘가에서 본 적 있다는 말에 토마 엄마는 사진도 찾아보고 점도 쳐보지만 아무런 해답도 얻을 수 없었다. 한편 베포르의 아이들 중 한 명인 소레트는 세라피트가 그린 그림을 들고 사람을 찾아다닌다.