Cooks and Hollingworth travel to Clairmont and listen to Cooks' recording of the diary of a scientist named Radcliffe. Cooks' grandfather witnessed the death of Befort's Children in 1901, discovering a strange black stone at the scene. On handing this to Radcliffe, he begins to investigate it with the aid of X-rays and discovers numerous indecipherable, constantly shifting inscriptions inside. The GED Project was then set up to investigate the stone, but Radcliffe eventually discovers that the British government was already aware of Befort's Children. We discover that the children are named after a small village in Belgium, where the earliest record of their existence (1489) was found. However, Radcliffe was driven mad by his obsession with the Children was eventually discredited and died.
Meanwhile, the Children are already regrouping at Clairmont, where Hasmodai is once more entrapped by his past memories of family. Agi saves him by returning his memory recording.
행방불명된 다섯 명의 아이들을 수사하고 있는 쿡스는 감찰요원인 앨리스한테 기자였던 자신의 할아버지와 그 친구 라드클리프에 대해서 이야기한다. 쿡스의 할아버지 밥은 우연히 신비한 분위기를 풍기는 다섯 명의 아이들의 사진을 찍고 기절하게 된다. 정신이 들었을 땐 아이들은 모두 죽어있었고, 그 옆엔 검은 돌 조각이 남겨져 있었다. 촉망받는 과학자였던 밥의 친구 라드클리프는 그 돌조각을 조사하기 시작하는데 그 안에는 알 수 없는 기호들이 담겨져 있다. 라드클리프는 그 기호를 해독하기 위해 다섯 명의 아이들을 조사하기 시작한다.
Cooks und Hollingworth reisen nach Clairmont und hören sich Cooks 'Aufzeichnung des Tagebuchs eines Wissenschaftlers namens Radcliffe an.