Thoma brings Chito and Helga to his secret island, Kokkuri, where he's made provision for hiding out. When Chito runs off into the forests to get fruits for her, Helga is completely absorbed in her painting and fails to notice. Thoma ends up running into the forest after him with Helga following behind despite Thoma's repeated insistence that she'll just get in the way.
Meanwhile, on the mainland, Cooks continues to investigate the Children. The old man from the end of the last episode is brought to the police station but dies soon after, and is identified as a man named Glass who went missing several years ago. Video footage of him in custody shows his dead mother sitting beside him until she suddenly vanishes. A detective from the main branch, Alice Hollingsworth, turns up to get a report on his investigations, but there is none forthcoming - and someone appearing to be a grown-up Duma has raided Cooks' apartment looking for research into a mysterious organization named GED whose symbol was on the jumpsuit Glass was wearing.
토마는 파판섬 옆에 있는 자신만의 비밀기지 코크리섬으로 헬가와 치트를 데려간다. 토마는 있을 곳을 마련해주고 식량까지 가져다주지만 고맙다는 말은커녕 자신한테 눈길조차 주지 않는 헬가에게 화가 잔뜩 난다. 한편 그 무렵, 동부 본토에서 한 노인이 3년 전에 서른 살의 나이로 죽은 그래스라며 나타난다. 하지만 신원을 확인하기도 전에 죽고 만다.
Thoma bringt Chito und Helga auf seine geheime Insel Kokkuri, wo er Vorkehrungen getroffen hat, um sich zu verstecken.