Chit and Thoma head back to Chikao to rescue Helga, but have to take extra care since there seems to be policemen searching the island for escaped prisoners. They succeed in breaking her out, but Helga is totally reticent towards Thoma despite how he repeatedly saves her life. As they escape through the forest they come across one of the prisoners, Shinon, who is in no way what she seems - and Helga has disturbing visions associated with her that Thoma and Chit cannot see. The "policemen" advise them to forget about Shinon, and they escape from Chikao once again - meanwhile, one of the other "prisoners" has found their way elsewhere...
토마와 치트는 치카오 고아원에 갇혀 있는 헬가를 구하러 간다. 그런데 그곳엔 탈주범을 찾느라 헬기까지 동원된 상태. 토마와 치트는 소란스러운 틈을 타서 반성실에 갇혀 있던 헬가를 구해내고 탈출에 성공한다. 그런데 헬가와 토마, 치트가 숲 속을 빠져나가던 도중, 신음하며 쓰러져 있는 할머니를 발견한다.
Chit und Thoma kehren nach Chikao zurück, um Helga zu retten, müssen aber besonders vorsichtig sein, da es Polizisten zu geben scheint, die die Insel nach entkommenen Gefangenen durchsuchen.