A policeman, Cooks, visits a family where one of the Children used to live, in an attempt to find out what's going on. Helga and Chit are recaptured on the mainland and sent back to Chikao, which please neither of them - especially since Chit is getting sent to another orphanage. A crazed speedboat driver (the man from the first episode with the cryptic ramblings) crashes into the boat carrying Chit, however, and Thoma happens to be on hand to rescue him, so they set out together to rescue Helga once more.
헬가는 늘 스케치북에 그리게 되는 장소를 찾기 위해 치트와 함께 고아원을 빠져나온다. 본토 서부로 가는 열차에 올라탄 헬가와 치트. 이 열차에서 베포르의 아이들과 헬가는 스쳐 지나간다. 한편 쿡스란 형사는 베포르의 아이들을 조사하기 위해 실종된 아이의 집을 방문한다.
Ein Polizist, Cooks, besucht eine Familie, in der eines der Kinder lebte, um herauszufinden, was los ist.