"Marriage wasn't supposed to be like this! I want to go back to those days and start my life over!” The story begins when the protagonist suddenly travels back in time and replaces his wife. In the fifth year of marriage, when both the husband and the wife are no longer able to care for one another like the early years, they have only one common way of thought.” Why did I marry this person…? While realistically and comically portraying the frustrations and regrets that everyone has in their marriage, the story is told through the protagonist, who has achieved a miraculous life after his shocking wish ‘to return to that day’ which somehow comes true. "What kind of person is important to you? " "What does it mean to spend a lifetime with someone else?" The story pursues such an universal theme for couples…
「婚後生活跟想像的完全不同!真想回到當年過新的人生!」 「到底是為什麼會跟這傢伙結婚…?!」婚後五年,習慣了結婚生活的兩人,漸漸的對彼此失去耐心…。劇中以喜劇手法描述對於婚後生活、妻子的態度不滿的恐妻上班族回到過去、因自己與以往不同的選擇而改變人生的故事。奇蹟般的獲得了新的人生後,一切都會一帆風順嗎?
Kenzaki Motoharu a épousé Mio il y a cinq ans après l'avoir rencontrée lorsqu'il était étudiant. Ils ont désormais deux enfants mais Motoharu se demande de plus en plus si il a fait le bon choix de vie, perturbé par ses difficultés au travail et les crispations quotidiennes avec sa femme.
Alors qu'il en arrive à souhaiter revenir dans le passé, son vœu se réalise soudain et il est renvoyé à sa période universitaire.