The game between the Deimon Devil Bats and the Taiyou Sphinx continues. The Devil Bats are gaining points as they begin to outsmart the Sphinx's famous Pyramid Line.
The first half ends, and Deimon is only one point behind in the score. Monta is disappointed in himself after his performance during the first half, so he vows that he will ""restore his dishonor"" and make a super max catch! However, when the Sphinx decide to put in their cornerback, Kamaguruma, Monta will feel the full force of Kamaguruma's ""chariot bump!""
Cuando las cosas comienzan a pintarles mal, los Sphinx revelan su arma secreta: un estudiante novato llamado Kamaguruma quien usa su "golpe de carro" contra Monta para evitar que reciba los pases de Hiruma.
Das Entscheidungsspiel zwischen den Devil Bats und den Taiyo Sphinx spitzt sich zu: Sena und seine Kameraden durchschauen die Strategie ihrer Gegner langsam und können einige Punkte gutmachen. Doch dann setzen die Sphinx ihre Geheimwaffe ein …