Katsuhiko dropped itself successfully to its troops and weave now before the Verfolgern diagonally through Roshitaria. Nanami is excited over its capture, but Katsuhiko not therefrom naturally can be impressed. Its flight and Makotos pursuit hunt form escapes itself extremely turbulent, but at the end Jinnai in a gigantic flyer over the holy river of God into the bow Rome-empire. And there the other cannot follow it. In the Bugroom-castle arrived, places Jinnai Diva the prisoners before. It stands out that Diva and rune cannot notify themselves. Katsuhiko and Nanami on the other hand both attained the supernatural capacity in the transition after el Hazard to be able to speak with the Roshitariern, and with the Bugrooms. (Only so could Jinnai generally the Bugroom-commander become.) Therefore play both interpreter - and run translates itself at the same time violently into the hairs, for at least Katsuhiko a little what other when Diva said has.
Katsuhiko se arrojó con éxito a sus tropas y ahora teje ante el Verfolger en diagonal a través de Roshitaria. Nanami está emocionada por su captura, pero Katsuhiko no puede impresionarse de forma natural. Su forma de caza y persecución Makotos se escapa extremadamente turbulenta, pero al final Jinnai en un gigantesco volante sobre el río sagrado de Dios en la proa del imperio de Roma.