The next what sees Makoto, rune is Venus that weave also before a Bugroom and jumps at the same time into an abyss. Makoto catches it below and wins therewith its heart. Then they meet Fujisawa that entirely unexpected powers develops and the Bugrooms strongly vermöbelt. Together they proceed itself per air ship into the capital then where rune quarters Venus it. Fujisawa missed its Sake and skin out of oversight the door on, whereupon the watches something ""nervous"" become. Both would weave and land calculated left in that. Londs, the boss of the palace watch, holds it for spy of the Bugrooms, but rune is convinced of its innocence. After it doctor Schtalubaugh to its investigation sent, and that together with Fujisawa has let itself amply, is the world again in order. It converses begins with Makoto, that accidentally the hand puts on a strange ball, to illuminate that thereupon to all astonishment - the sign of the king (catches already once well at).
Lo siguiente que ve a Makoto, la runa, es Venus que se entrelaza también ante un Bugroom y salta al mismo tiempo al abismo. Makoto lo atrapa debajo y gana con ello su corazón. Luego se encuentran con Fujisawa, que desarrolla poderes completamente inesperados y los Bugrooms son muy vermöbelt. Juntos se dirigen por barco aéreo a la capital y luego donde la runa se acuesta Venus. Fujisawa echaba de menos su Sake y su piel por la supervisión de la puerta, por lo que los relojes se convierten en algo "" nervioso ".