Buddy, Tiny and Dad take the Dinosaur Train to see Old Smoky, the local volcano. It’s such a spectacular sight that they go back for the rest of the family, only to discover they've already gone to see the volcano! The merry mix-up concludes as the whole family meets up just in time to catch Old Smoky erupting.
Mr. Pteranodon is annoyed when some hadrosaurs move in next door! The new neighbors are a family of Lambeosaurus, who have crests that hoot – and too loudly, as far as Dad is concerned. After a rocky start, the Pteranodon and Lambeosaurus families agree on terms they can both live with and become fast friends.
When Tank spends the night at Pteranodon Terrace, the last thing he wants to do is sleep. But as the night wears on, the other kids nod off, leaving only Buddy to try to stay awake with Tank. Buddy realizes that Tank is just nervous about sleeping in a strange place, so he and Mom help Tank feel at home so he can finally get to sleep.
The Pteranodon family stretches their wings at Quetzalcoatlus Canyon, where Mr. Pteranodon flew when he was younger and nicknamed the "Wing King." The family meets Quincy Quetzalcoatlus and his Dad, a huge flying Pterosaur. Together, the two "Wing Kings" wow their kids with some sensational aerial acrobatics.
The Pteranodons tag along as Hank Ankylosaurus visits the Big Pond to scout a Dinoball talent named Eugene Euoplocephalus. Eugene is a smaller version of Hank, an armored dinosaur with a giant tail-club. Hank and Eugene really hit it off, and after they all play Dinoball, Hank recruits Eugene to play on his team!
Tiny is very worried after she loses Shiny's favorite shiny shell, and enlists Dad and Buddy to help find a new one. As Tiny becomes more frantic, she begins stomping with frustration. Then the kids meet Daphne, a Daspletosaurus kid who shows them how to make stomping a fun dance instead of a temper tantrum.
The Pteranodon family travels on the Dinosaur Train with the Aquacar to an underwater train station to transport Elmer Elasmosaurus back to his home in the ocean. At first Buddy is not enthusiastic about travelling underwater, but quickly becomes a convert when he sees the spectacular sights under the sea.
The Pteranodon family rides to Troodon Town to celebrate Troodon Train Day, where the main event is a concert by King Cryolophosaurus, giving his first performance in years! When King comes down with some last-minute jitters, Buddy and Tiny help him overcome his stage fright and he sings a medley of his hits, including the Dinosaur Train theme song!
While riding the Dinosaur Train, Buddy and Tiny meet Dylan and Devlin Dilophosaurus, twin brothers with amazing double-crests on their heads. Dylan and Devlin like to compete over everything from getting the best seat on the train, to being the best hunter. After Tiny and Buddy spend time with the brothers, they show them how working as a team can help them succeed while hunting!
The Pteranodon family is on the Dinosaur Train headed to the Big Pond for a special nighttime treat - watching a meteor shower in the sky. Mr. Conductor stops to pick up Erma Eoraptor, his best friend, whom he's excited to spend time with that night. At the Big Pond, the Conductor and Erma are interrupted a few times while trying to be alone, but soon find the perfect spot back on the Train. They watch the meteor shower from there, as our Pteranodon family watches the amazing meteors from the Big Pond beach.
The Pteranodon kids and their dome-headed friend Spikey Stygimoloch meet a brother and sister, Patrick and Pamela Pachycephalosaurus, two dinosaurs with enormous dome heads. Spikey bonds with the Pachycephalosaurus. Patrick and Pamela are athletes who invite our kids, Mom, and Spikey along to watch them use their impressive dome heads to play a volleyball type sport called, Dome Ball.
Don has a large collection of things that he has found in nature, but he's missing one hard-to-locate item: amber. On the Dinosaur Train, the kids find out that Gilbert is also looking for amber. At Amber Arroyo caves, Don and Gilbert search separately, but when they both find amber they eventually bond over their discoveries.
The Pteranodon family travels to the “Classic in the Jurassic,” an Olympics type competition in which dinosaur teams representing the three Mesozoic time periods will compete in various contests. Today's competition is a race between turtle and theropod teams. When the fast theropods all get tangled up at the finish line, the race comes down to the slow moving turtles. It's an exciting race as the turtles are neck and neck! Who will win the race?
It's time for the 'Classic in the Jurassic' - the Mesozoic Olympics. Today's "Air, Water and Land" contest is a three-part competition pitting teams consisting of a pterosaur and a crocodile from each Time Period against one another. Mrs. Pteranodon, Tiny and Shiny are recruited to help in one of the three "legs" of the race, while Buddy, Don and Dad watch from the stands.
Our Pteranodon family accompanies Mr. Conductor to the Troodon Town Roundhouse to meet up with Thurston Troodon, the Rocket Train's conductor. They all soon learn that Tricia Troodon, a young hotshot conductor, actually invited everyone there to see her new train - the Solar Train! The kids learn that it's powered by the sun! To test the train's performance, the three Conductors, along with the help of Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don, race the Dinosaur Train, Thurston's Rocket Train and Tricia's new Solar Train to the Triassic!
Buddy and Tiny give Elliot Enantiornithine, a first timer on the Dinosaur Train, a tour of the Train. When they go through Laura Giganotosaurus' car, she explains to them that today is her bird watching/drawing day, but she hasn't found a single bird to watch. But, there's Elliot. He hams it up for Laura, who watches and draws him. This is so fun that Buddy and Tiny bring Laura to meet another bird friend-- Arlene Archeopteryx. Then Arlene and Elliot introduce the kids and Laura to a new bird named Peng Protopteryx! It's a successful birdwatching/drawing day as all three birds are delighted to show off their unique feathers.
As the Pteranodon kids play in their family nest, Buddy stares at a sky full of clouds and asks the group, "What are clouds?" Mr. Pteranodon and his neighbor, Mr. Lambeosaurus, have different opinions. As they all get on the Dinosaur Train, they consider whether clouds are made of water or whether they're just made of fluff. Tiny knows who would have the facts--Mr. Conductor! He explains that clouds are made of billions of tiny drops of water that are so light they float in the air. He also takes the group to Cloudy Point Station where the kids play a cloud-spotting game, identifying the three types of clouds they learned about: cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. In the end, a rainstorm certainly proves that clouds are made of water!
After Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn that it's Mr. Conductor's birthday, they decide to throw him a surprise party in his favorite place - the Dinosaur Train! The whole family plans the party, secretly riding the Rocket Train to pick up friends from all around the Mesozoic and gather ginkgo leaves for a special birthday cake. The party is a huge success - the Conductor is surprised and moved, and loves his tasty ginkgo leaf birthday cake.
The Pteranodon family rides the "Night Train" all the way back to the Jurassic Period to visit their nocturnal friend, Vlad Volaticotherium, who tells them that he wants to take them caving! Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don don't even know what caving is, but they are soon having a great time seeing all the beautiful stalactites and stalagmites that have formed inside the cave.
Tiny can't believe it when he finds out that his friend Cindy Cimolestes doesn't like fish, but she explains that she's a mammal and many mammals don't eat fish. Determined, Tiny sets out to find a mammal in the Mesozoic who likes fish, so she, Buddy, Cindy and Dad set out on a fishing trip where they run into Cassie Castrocauda, a Jurassic mammal that looks like a cross between a beaver, an otter and a platypus, who also happens to love fish!
One morning at the family nest, Don befriends a butterfly that he names Dan. Don, Buddy, Tiny and Shiny watch Dan and three of his "sibling" butterflies fly around until suddenly they disappear, leaving Dan all alone. Don feels for the separated butterfly and vows to re-unite him with his siblings. After Mom and Dad give a quick lesson about butterfly camouflage, Don leads his own siblings all around the nest area searching for Dan the Butterfly's lost "sisters and brother." The whole time, Don keeps an eye on Dan, who camouflages himself when any threat (birds or a frog) are nearby.
Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don are excited that Keira Chirostenotes gets to babysit them for the night while Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon go out for a dinner on the Dinosaur Night Train. Keira shows the kids how a dead log's decomposition provides food and shelter for many living creatures. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon are gleeful as they enjoy their date, exploring the Dinosaur Train's other compartments.
The Pteranodon kids are spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa Pteranodon! On the Dinosaur Train trip to their grandparents' place, Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn about sycamore trees. Grandma and Grandpa are excited to have a whole day with their grandkids and doubly-excited to do a special project with them.
The Pteranodon kids are riding the Dinosaur Train with friend and fellow pterosaur, Quincy Quetzalcoatlus. When they pass by a waterfall, Buddy comments on how big it is. Quincy's dad mentions a giant waterfall at the edge of the Western Interior Sea. Mr. Conductor gives a lesson about waterfalls and then suggests a unique and amazing way to view the giant falls - from above.
Will Larry and Mr. Pteranodon stop bickering long enough to figure out a way home, or will they get stranded in the middle of nowhere and miss the family Winter Solstice Celebration?
Mr. Pteranodon and Larry miss the last train home while they're collecting red platanoids at the Big Pond.
The whole family takes an adventure on the Dinosaur Train Riverboat.
Grandpa Pteranodon tells Buddy about the legend of Adm. Globidens.
The family takes a trip to Lizard Island.
The Pteranodon family invites the Conductor to stay with them during a hurricane.
Shiny invites Annie Tyrannosaurus to Pteranodon Terrace for a sleepover, but all Annie wants to do is investigate the "spooky tree" that Don says "comes alive at night." All Shiny wants to do is stay as far away from the tree as possible. Can the kids get to the bottom of the mysterious tree, and figure out if it really comes alive at night?
When Don stumbles across a stick that looks EXACTLY like Old Spinosaurus, he's determined to have the grumpy old dinosaur pose for his sculpture (so he can get the Spinosaurus's features exactly right). But when they arrive at Old Spinosaurus's home, he makes it clear that there's no way he's posing for anything. Can Don convince Old Spinosaurus to pose for his sculpture, or will Don have to come up with another plan?