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Season 1

  • S01E01 Valley of the Stygimolochs

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy wonders if he'll grow horns when he gets older, so Mrs. Pteranodon takes him to visit some dinosaurs called Stygimolochs, who have really impressive horns.

  • S01E02 Tiny Loves Fish

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    After Mr. Pteranodon teaches the kids his fishing method, Buddy and Tiny work together as a team to catch fish in the Big Pond.

  • S01E03 Triceratops For Lunch

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family eats lunch with their friend Tank Triceratops and discovers that he and his family are all plant-eaters.

  • S01E04 The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    The family surprises Mom with a birthday trip to a concert given by Cory and her family of Corythosaurus, who play music through the crests on their heads.

  • S01E05 Beating The Heat

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny travel to the Jurassic to make a new friend, Morris Stegosaurus, and discover how this huge dinosaur keeps cool in the heat.

  • S01E06 Flowers For Mom

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    The kids go to the Big Pond to look for flowers to give to Mom on her special Mother's Day. They find many different flowers while following a very busy bee.

  • S01E07 I'm a T. Rex!

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy travels to Rexville on the Dinosaur Train and meets Delores Tyrannosaurus and her daughter Annie. When he sees that he shares all the same features, Buddy learns that he is a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

  • S01E08 Ned The Quadruped

    • September 7, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny tour the Dinosaur Train and earn their Junior Conductor hats while their friend Ned, a four-legged, long-necked Brachiosaurus and regular Train rider, tags along.

  • S01E09 One Smart Dinosaur

    • September 11, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny want to test their memory, so they ride the Dinosaur Train and spend some time with the Conductor, since he's a Troodon with a great memory. The kids get to meet the Conductor's mom, Mrs. Conductor.

  • S01E10 Petey The Peteinosaurus

    • September 11, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Petey Peteinosaurus, a "flying lizard," who is fun, funny, and friendly, and has some features similar to both Buddy and Tiny!

  • S01E11 Fast Friends

    • September 17, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, and Mom ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Oren and Ollie Ornithomimus, some of the fastest dinosaurs ever! They love meeting the fast-moving and fast-talking twins.

  • S01E12 T. Rex Teeth

    • September 17, 2009
    • PBS

    When Buddy loses a tooth, Mom takes him to Rexville to ask his Tyrannosaurus friends all about T. Rex teeth. They explain that he'll grow new teeth to replace the old ones.

  • S01E13 A Frill a Minute

    • September 18, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny help Tank Triceratops overcome his awkwardness having a huge head by showing him how cool and amazing his features are, especially his frill.

  • S01E14 Now With Feathers!

    • September 18, 2009
    • PBS

    Dad gives Tiny and Buddy a mystery feather and the kids become "detectives," riding the Dinosaur Train to meet Valerie Velociraptor, who shows our kids what life is like covered with beautiful feathers.

  • S01E15 Play Date With Annie

    • September 21, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy is excited that his friend Annie Tyrannosaurus is coming to the Pteranodon nest to visit and play with them. After Tiny feels left out, Buddy and Annie show her that they can all be friends.

  • S01E16 One Big Dinosaur

    • September 21, 2009
    • PBS

    Tiny and Buddy visit a dinosaur family called Argentinosaurus, some of the biggest land creatures ever! They find out there are great things about being really big, and that it’s also great being their own size.

  • S01E17 Armored Like an Ankylosaurus

    • September 22, 2009
    • PBS

    The kids travel on the Dinosaur Train with Mr. Pteranodon to see his hero, Hank Ankylosaurus, play a game of Dinoball. Afterwards, they even get to play with Hank and learn what it’s like to be a dinosaur that's covered with armored plates and a mighty club for a tail.

  • S01E18 Campout!

    • September 22, 2009
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family goes to the Big Pond for their first overnight camp out and meets a small frog with a big voice!

  • S01E19 Laura The Giganotosaurus

    • September 29, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy spends time with Laura Giganotosaurus, a large dinosaur who always rides the Dinosaur Train and, like Buddy, is a three-toed theropod! Buddy also discovers that Laura is an avid bird-watcher.

  • S01E20 Dinosaur Poop!

    • September 29, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny learn that all creatures poop, even really big dinosaurs.

  • S01E21 Don's Dragonfly

    • September 30, 2009
    • PBS

    Don makes a new friend with red feet, a dragonfly named Howard.

  • S01E22 Derek The Deinonychus

    • September 30, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny and Mom visit a family of Deinonychus, dinosaurs with large, sharp toe-claws. They meet a kid named Derek who uses his toe-claws to not only hunt with but to carve great art!

  • S01E23 T. Rex Migration

    • October 1, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny go to visit their friend Annie Tyrannosaurus and discover she isn’t home, so they follow clues and find her on a migration with her family.

  • S01E24 One Small Dinosaur

    • October 1, 2009
    • PBS

    Mrs. Pteranodon takes Buddy and Tiny to visit a Mikey Microraptor, one of the smallest of dinosaurs ever. Tiny is annoyed that Mikey is even smaller than she is, but Mikey looks up to Tiny as a role model.

  • S01E25 Surprise Party

    • November 10, 2009
    • PBS

    Shiny, Tiny and Don throw a surprise party for Buddy on the Dinosaur Train and invite a whole caboose full of his friends!

  • S01E26 Hootin' Hadrosaurs

    • November 10, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don meet Perry Parasaurolophus, a dinosaur with a crest on his head who teaches them a new way to hoot some hip music.

  • S01E27 Hatching Party

    • November 11, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny and Mrs. Pteranodon attend an egg hatching party and meet their friend Cory Corythosaurus’s new brothers and sisters.

  • S01E28 The Theropod Club

    • November 11, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy's Theropod Club meets with other dinosaurs that walk on two legs, eat meat, and have three toed feet. But Tiny feels left out until the Club invites her to join too!

  • S01E29 The Old Spinosaurs And The Sea

    • November 12, 2009
    • PBS

    Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to fish in a new place, where they meet a huge, grumpy old dinosaur, called a Spinosaurus, that doesn't want the kids in his Sea. Eventually the kids befriend him, and they teach each other their own unique way to catch fish.

  • S01E30 A Spiky Tail Tale

    • November 12, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny help settle an argument between Morris Stegosaurus and Alvin Allosaurus, two very big dinosaurs – one with a very spiky tail, the other with a mouthful of sharp teeth.

  • S01E31 Night Train

    • September 30, 2009
    • PBS

    Dad, Buddy and Tiny take a special ride on the Dinosaur Train at night, learning about animals that are active after dark, culminating at the Big Pond for a nature walk under the full moon.

  • S01E32 Fossil Fred

    • September 30, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny and Don play "detective" and search around the Big Pond for fossils. The kids end up finding an entire skeleton of a Jurassic dinosaur.

  • S01E33 Cretaceous Conifers

    • December 14, 2009
    • PBS

    The whole Pteranodon family has fun celebrating Mom's favorite holiday, Winter Solstice. They learn about large conifer (evergreen) trees and help decorate them at a holiday party.

  • S01E34 Dinosaurs in the Snow

    • December 14, 2009
    • PBS

    Buddy and his Pteranodon family ride the Dinosaur Train to the North Pole – where it's cooler out and the skies are dark all winter long! The kids get to play in the snow and slide on a frozen pond for the first time.

  • S01E35 The Burrowers

    • January 18, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family rides the Dinosaur Train to meet a family of amazing, burrowing dinosaurs that live in holes and put on a "Cirque de Soleil" kind of acrobatic show every evening!

  • S01E36 Shiny's Sea Shells

    • January 18, 2010
    • PBS

    The whole Pteranodon family has fun celebrating Mom's favorite holiday, Winter Solstice. Shiny, with help from Buddy, Tiny and Don, looks for the shiniest sea shells she can find, but ends up making a new friend named Henry, a hermit crab who lives in his own shell on the beach at the Big Pond.

  • S01E37 King Cryolophosaurus

    • February 15, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, Don and Mom meet a reclusive, singing dinosaur named King who has a big swooping crest on his head.

  • S01E38 Buddy the Tracker

    • February 15, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy and Don are "footprint detectives" as they track and find creatures they know at the Big Pond. The plot thickens when they discover fossilized tracks that are millions of years old!

  • S01E39 Diamond Don

    • February 16, 2010
    • PBS

    Shiny and Don stay at home and we get to see that just because they don't always ride with Buddy and Tiny on the Dinosaur Train doesn't mean that they are not having fun. An adventure into a local caves leads to a marvelous and brilliant discovery.

  • S01E40 The Old Bird

    • February 16, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny and Mom make a play date with Petey Peteinosaurus to ride the Dinosaur Train to meet Arlene Archeopteryx, a bird from the family of the oldest birds ever! The kids are excited to learn that Arlene is a bird and a dinosaur.

  • S01E41 Family Scavenger Hunt

    • April 12, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family travels to the Big Pond for a Scavenger Hunt. Using clues and rhymes, the kids solve word puzzles and finally glimpse a bug-eating plant they thought was mere make-believe.

  • S01E42 Dinosaur Camouflage

    • April 12, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny learn about camouflage when they meet a shy dinosaur, Leslie Lesothosaurus, who is very good at hiding. The kids end up persuading Leslie to stop hiding and come out to play with them.

  • S01E43 Have You Heard About the Herd?

    • April 13, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, and Mom ride the Dinosaur Train to the Cretaceous Picnic Grounds. They meet Ernie Einiosaurus, who shows them what it’s like to live in a herd of horned Ceratopsians.

  • S01E44 Jess Hesperornis

    • April 13, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodons venture to the Big Pond to find out if dinosaurs can live in the water. Their quandaries are quenched when they meet Jess Hesperornis, who turns out to be not only a water-dwelling dinosaur, but a bird as well!

  • S01E45 Tank's Baby Brother

    • May 3, 2010
    • PBS

    Tank Triceratops has a new baby brother that everyone dotes on, making Tank feel left out. Buddy, Tiny, and Tank play with some older kid Triceratops, and Tank learns the perks of being a big brother.

  • S01E46 Triassic Turtle

    • May 3, 2010
    • PBS

    Don mistakes a shell for a rock and meets Adam Adocus, a turtle with a head he can retract into his shell for self-defense. The Pteranodon family travels to the Triassic and meets Pauline Proganochelys, another kind of turtle who shares her own methods of defending herself.

  • S01E47 Erma Eoraptor

    • May 4, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, and Mrs. Pteranodon go on an expedition all the way back to the Triassic Time Period to meet Erma Eoraptor, one the first species of dinosaur that ever lived. They ride to the end of the line to find Erma, and then bring her back for a ride on the Dinosaur Train!

  • S01E48 Under the Volcano

    • May 4, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny and Dad take the Dinosaur Train to see Old Smoky, the local volcano. It’s such a spectacular sight that they go back for the rest of the family, only to discover they've already gone to see the volcano! The merry mix-up concludes as the whole family meets up just in time to catch Old Smoky erupting.

  • S01E49 Pteranodon Family World Tour

    • May 24, 2010
    • PBS

    The entire Pteranodon family embarks on a roaring, exploring, World Tour adventure! They meet the Conductor's nephew, Gilbert, who acts as their tour guide to meet Martin Amargasaurus, a spine-spangled quadruped with an intimidating sail.

  • S01E50 Gilbert the Junior Conductor

    • May 24, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family continues on its World Tour on the Dinosaur Train. During their first full day on the train, the kids play with Gilbert, the Conductor's nephew. Don gets jealous of Gilbert’s friendship with Buddy.

  • S01E51 Confuciusornis Says

    • May 25, 2010
    • PBS

    The next stop on the Dinosaur Train World Tour takes the Pteranodon family to Confuciusornis Gardens, where they meet a very wise old dinosaur. They try some new foods and even learn to meditate.

  • S01E52 Tiny's Tiny Doll

    • May 25, 2010
    • PBS

    During a stop on the Pteranodon family’s World Tour, Tiny accidentally leaves her beloved Tiny Doll behind in Velociraptor Valley. Knowing Tiny can't sleep without it, Valerie and Velma Velociraptor enlist the help of a wide-winged Pterosaur named Ziggy to fly Tiny's doll back to the train.

  • S01E53 Shiny Can't Sleep

    • May 26, 2010
    • PBS

    Shiny gets homesick while the Pteranodon family continues on their World Tour. She tries to fall asleep in their Sleeping Car, but can’t, so Dad takes her for a walk around the Dinosaur Train, where they observe the night activities of nocturnal creatures.

  • S01E54 Iggy Iguanodom

    • May 26, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family continues their World Tour and meets Iggy Iguanodon, a large, four-legged chap who shows them his unique way of walking while leading them to some famous white cliffs.

  • S01E55 Kenny Kentrosaurus

    • May 27, 2010
    • PBS

    As the Pteranodon family’s World Tour continues, they travel to Africa to meet a Stegosaur named Kenny Kentrosaurus. He teaches the kids about his plates, spikes, and big, thumping tail, which leads to a fun drumming party.

  • S01E56 Don and the Troodons

    • May 27, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family oversleeps and has to hurry to make another guided walk on their World Tour! Don asks to stay back on the train, where he ends up having a great day with the Conductor and his mom, Mrs. Conductor!

  • S01E57 New Neighbors

    • July 12, 2010
    • PBS

    Mr. Pteranodon is annoyed when some hadrosaurs move in next door! The new neighbors are a family of Lambeosaurus, who have crests that hoot – and too loudly, as far as Dad is concerned. After a rocky start, the Pteranodon and Lambeosaurus families agree on terms they can both live with and become fast friends.

  • S01E58 Don's Collection

    • July 12, 2010
    • PBS

    Don and new neighbor, Lily Lambeosaurus, stay at Pteranodon Terrace while the other kids take a day trip to the Big Pond. Don shows off his knowledge of the area to an admiring Lily as they search for more items for his collection.

  • S01E59 Tank's Sleep Over

    • June 28, 2010
    • PBS

    When Tank spends the night at Pteranodon Terrace, the last thing he wants to do is sleep. But as the night wears on, the other kids nod off, leaving only Buddy to try to stay awake with Tank. Buddy realizes that Tank is just nervous about sleeping in a strange place, so he and Mom help Tank feel at home so he can finally get to sleep.

  • S01E60 Long Claws

    • June 28, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, Don and Mrs. Pteranodon head to the thicket to ask a Therizinosaurus family about their colossal claws. They demonstrate how they use their claws for self-defense, while the daughter, Teri, shows the kids her favorite practice spot.

  • S01E61 The Big Mud Pit

    • July 13, 2010
    • PBS

    There's big trouble at the Big Pond Larry Lambeosaurus gets stuck in a mud pit, and then Dad tries to get Larry out, and ends up getting stuck himself. Buddy and Leroy Lambeosaurus have to think quickly to pull their dads out before some big meat-eater finds them!

  • S01E62 The Wing Kings

    • July 13, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family stretches their wings at Quetzalcoatlus Canyon, where Mr. Pteranodon flew when he was younger and nicknamed the "Wing King." The family meets Quincy Quetzalcoatlus and his Dad, a huge flying Pterosaur. Together, the two "Wing Kings" wow their kids with some sensational aerial acrobatics.

  • S01E63 Tiny's Tiny Friend

    • September 27, 2010
    • PBS

    Tiny gets upset when she finds a miniature mammal named Cindy Cimolestes has moved into her "Tiny Place," a hole in a tree near the family nest. Buddy ends up using his sharp eyes to help Cindy find a new home that more perfectly fits her small size.

  • S01E64 Buck-Tooth Bucky

    • September 27, 2010
    • PBS

    When Don finds a mystery tooth in Dad's old tooth collection, Dad decides to take the kids on an investigation. They discover that the tooth belongs to a dinosaur called Masiakasaurus, a creature with a mouthful of protruding buck teeth!

  • S01E65 An Armored Tail Tale

    • November 8, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodons tag along as Hank Ankylosaurus visits the Big Pond to scout a Dinoball talent named Eugene Euoplocephalus. Eugene is a smaller version of Hank, an armored dinosaur with a giant tail-club. Hank and Eugene really hit it off, and after they all play Dinoball, Hank recruits Eugene to play on his team!

  • S01E66 Pterosaur Flying Club

    • November 8, 2010
    • PBS

    Tiny and Shiny practice their swoop-de-loops and other flying moves in anticipation of their play-date with fellow Pterosaurs Petey Peteinosaurus and Quincy Quetzalcoatlus. With Buddy helping with the choreography, the Pterosaur Flying Club puts on a flying show!

  • S01E67 Great Big Stomping Dinosaur Feet!

    • December 6, 2010
    • PBS

    Tiny is very worried after she loses Shiny's favorite shiny shell, and enlists Dad and Buddy to help find a new one. As Tiny becomes more frantic, she begins stomping with frustration. Then the kids meet Daphne, a Daspletosaurus kid who shows them how to make stomping a fun dance instead of a temper tantrum.

  • S01E68 Hornucopia!

    • December 6, 2010
    • PBS

    At the Big Pond, Tank introduces the Pteranodon family to his friend, Stacie Styracosaurus, a fellow Ceratopsian with a crown of elaborate horns on her head. Everyone attends Stacie’s “Hornucopia” celebration, where she reveals her new big

  • S01E69 Diamond Anniversary

    • January 17, 2011
    • PBS

    Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon decide to surprise each other with gifts on their anniversary. Despite some close calls, the kids help each of them to keep their gifts a secret until the perfect moment when the whole family can celebrate.

  • S01E70 The Good Mom

    • January 17, 2011
    • PBS

    “Mom’s” the word when Mrs. Pteranodon meets fellow mom Millie Maiasaura, who is a little too over-protective of her kids. The two moms compare mothering methods in a play date at the Big Pond.

  • S01E71 Dinosaur Block Party

    • September 28, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family hosts a block party to introduce their new neighbors, the Lambeosaurus family, to all the other neighborhood creatures. The different species all join together to fly, dive, fish, race and especially, to rock the block!

  • S01E72 Elmer Elasmosaurus

    • September 28, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family travels on the Dinosaur Train with the Aquacar to an underwater train station to transport Elmer Elasmosaurus back to his home in the ocean. At first Buddy is not enthusiastic about travelling underwater, but quickly becomes a convert when he sees the spectacular sights under the sea.

  • S01E73 Carla Cretoxyrhina

    • October 11, 2010
    • PBS

    On this underwater excursion, the Pteranodon family meets up with Carla Cretoxyrhina, a young shark who turns out to be much nicer than her reputation suggests. She introduces the family to her dad, bringing them face to face with the "Big Fish in the Sea."

  • S01E74 Train Trouble

    • October 11, 2010
    • PBS

    The speedy dinosaur brothers Oren and Ollie join our kids on a train trip to Troodon Town, but unplanned engine trouble sends Oren and Ollie sprinting the Roundhouse to bring back another engine to save the day!

  • S01E75 Dads' Day Out

    • November 19, 2010
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, and Mr. Pteranodon join Annie Tyrannosaurus and Leroy Lambeosaurus and their dads for a Dads’ Day at the Big Pond. It’s all fun and games until it starts to rain, and they all have to take cover in a cave they’ve never noticed before.

  • S01E76 The Amazing Michelinoceras Brothers

    • November 19, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family travels deep underwater on the Dinosaur Train to view two backwards-bounding brothers named Max and Mitch Michelinoceras. The kids are delighted to see that Max and Mitch put on a synchronized swimming show.

  • S01E77 Elmer Visits the Desert

    • August 23, 2010
    • PBS

    Our Pteranodon family takes their ocean friend Elmer Elasmosaurus on the Dinosaur Train to a place he’s never been before: the desert! Once there, the kids compare the sandy terrain to Elmer’s ocean, and they meet a local lizard named Percy who tells the tale of his desert home.

  • S01E78 Paulie Pliosaurus

    • August 23, 2010
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family takes the Dinosaur Train underwater to visit a marine reptile called Paulie Pliosaurus, a creature known as the "T. rex of the Ocean." Buddy and Paulie compare features and find that they actually have a lot in common.

  • S01E79 Junior Conductor Jamboree

    • May 6, 2011
    • PBS

    Our kids ride the Dinosaur Train from one end of the line to the other, through all three Time Periods -- from the Cretaceous, through the Jurassic, to the Triassic. All along the way, they pick up friends who join them for a Junior Conductor Jamboree!

  • S01E80 Troodon Train Day

    • May 6, 2011
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family rides to Troodon Town to celebrate Troodon Train Day, where the main event is a concert by King Cryolophosaurus, giving his first performance in years! When King comes down with some last-minute jitters, Buddy and Tiny help him overcome his stage fright and he sings a medley of his hits, including the Dinosaur Train theme song!

Season 2

  • S02E01 Dinosaur Big City Part 1

    • September 6, 2011
    • PBS

    Part 1 of a one hour special where the Pteranadon family take the Dinosaur Train to a theropod convention that is being held in the big city so that Buddy can learn more about his species.

  • S02E02 Dinosaur Big City Part 2

    • September 6, 2011
    • PBS

    Part 2 of a one hour special where the Pteranadon family take the Dinosaur Train to a theropod convention that is being held in the big city so that Buddy can learn more about his species.

  • S02E03 Dinosaur Big City Part 3

    • September 7, 2011
    • PBS

    Part 3 of a one hour special where the Pteranadon family take the Dinosaur Train to a theropod convention that is being held in the big city so that Buddy can learn more about his species.

  • S02E04 Dinosaur Big City Part 4

    • September 7, 2011
    • PBS

    Part 4 of a one hour special where the Pteranadon family take the Dinosaur Train to a theropod convention that is being held in the big city so that Buddy can learn more about his species.

  • S02E05 Haunted Roundhouse

    • October 20, 2011
    • PBS

    The kids meet a nocturnal creature when their father takes them to a party at a "haunted" house

  • S02E06 Big Pond Pumpkin Patch

    • October 20, 2011
    • PBS

    The Pteranodons learn more about their neighbors, the Lambeosaurus family, when they accompany them to the Big Pond to celebrate Gourd Day.

  • S02E07 Stargazing on the Night Train

    • November 14, 2011
    • PBS

    Sidney Sinovenator shows the Pteranodon family his favorite stargazing spot

  • S02E08 Get Into Nature!

    • November 14, 2011
    • PBS

    The kids turn their beach nest into a clubhouse

  • S02E09 Tiny Loves Flowers

    • November 15, 2011
    • PBS

    The family goes to the Big Pond to find buttercups

  • S02E10 Shiny and Snakes

    • November 15, 2011
    • PBS

    Dad takes the kids to find Sana Sanajeh -- the ultimate snake

  • S02E11 Buddy Explores The Tyrannosaurs

    • November 16, 2011
    • PBS

    Buddy wants to learn more about his ancestors

  • S02E12 A Heck of a Neck

    • August 14, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids meet a super long dinosaur while on a nature trackers adventure

  • S02E13 Gilbert Visits the Nest

    • August 14, 2012
    • PBS

    Shiny is nervous about Gilbert's impending visit.

  • S02E14 Rainy Day Fight

    • November 16, 2011
    • PBS

    The kids must find something in nature that helps calm them

  • S02E15 An Apatosaurus Adventure

    • August 15, 2012
    • PBS

    Apollo Apatosaurus is a long-necked, long-tailed dinosaur who likes adventure.

  • S02E16 That's Not A Dinosaur!

    • November 17, 2011
    • PBS

    Game rules change at the Biome Block Party so that all creatures can play the games

  • S02E17 Nature Art

    • August 15, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids make nature art on the beach.

  • S02E18 Tiny's Garden

    • November 17, 2011
    • PBS

    The Nature Trackers gather seeds and bring them home to plant a garden

  • S02E19 Old Reliable

    • August 16, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids visit a field of geysers and take a dip in the nearby hot springs.

  • S02E20 Arnie Rides the Flatcar

    • August 16, 2012
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny and Mom visit their pal Arnie Argentinosaurus, who's grown so large he can't ride on the train anymore;

  • S02E21 Festival of Lights

    • December 5, 2011
    • PBS

    The Pteranodons stop to watch the aurora borealis.

  • S02E22 Tiny and the Crocodile

    • December 10, 2012
    • PBS

    Team Pteranodon travels to Deinosuchus Swamp to meet Deanna Deinosuchus, a 40 foot crocodile with many big teeth, and a crabby attitude. Tiny leads the way to warm up Deanna who turns out to be more friendly and less scary than our kids imagined.

  • S02E23 Meet The Grandparents

    • December 10, 2012
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon kids have special visitors - their Grandma and Grandpa. The kids delight in realizing they share similar traits with their grandparents (laughs, expressions, and interests), and love showing Grandma and Grandpa around the nest area and playing some games they all like.

  • S02E24 The Egg Stealer?

    • December 11, 2012
    • PBS

    Buddy and Don stumble upon a mystery when unhatched eggs they found on their beach are stolen. Don and Buddy become detectives and all the kids join in to solve the mystery.

  • S02E25 To The Grandparents' Nest We Go!

    • December 11, 2012
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, Shiny, and Don have fun spending a special day with their retired Grandma and Grandpa at their cliff side nest. The kids get to see things from their Dad's childhood nature collection, and afterwards they play games and fish with Grandma and Grandpa.

  • S02E26 Don's Winter Wish

    • December 5, 2011
    • PBS

    The Pteranodons travel to the North Pole, where Don wishes to see snow fall again.

  • S02E27 Double-Crested Trouble

    • December 12, 2012
    • PBS

    While riding the Dinosaur Train, Buddy and Tiny meet Dylan and Devlin Dilophosaurus, twin brothers with amazing double-crests on their heads. Dylan and Devlin like to compete over everything from getting the best seat on the train, to being the best hunter. After Tiny and Buddy spend time with the brothers, they show them how working as a team can help them succeed while hunting!

  • S02E28 Erma and the Conductor

    • December 12, 2012
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family is on the Dinosaur Train headed to the Big Pond for a special nighttime treat - watching a meteor shower in the sky. Mr. Conductor stops to pick up Erma Eoraptor, his best friend, whom he's excited to spend time with that night. At the Big Pond, the Conductor and Erma are interrupted a few times while trying to be alone, but soon find the perfect spot back on the Train. They watch the meteor shower from there, as our Pteranodon family watches the amazing meteors from the Big Pond beach.

  • S02E29 The Earthquake

    • February 6, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids meet a relative of Tank Triceratops, an early ceratopsian named Penelope Protoceratops.

  • S02E30 Dome-Headed Dinosaur

    • December 13, 2012
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon kids and their dome-headed friend Spikey Stygimoloch meet a brother and sister, Patrick and Pamela Pachycephalosaurus, two dinosaurs with enormous dome heads. Spikey bonds with the Pachycephalosaurus. Patrick and Pamela are athletes who invite our kids, Mom, and Spikey along to watch them use their impressive dome heads to play a volleyball type sport called, Dome Ball.

  • S02E31 Treasure Hunt

    • December 13, 2012
    • PBS

    Don has a large collection of things that he has found in nature, but he's missing one hard-to-locate item: amber. On the Dinosaur Train, the kids find out that Gilbert is also looking for amber. At Amber Arroyo caves, Don and Gilbert search separately, but when they both find amber they eventually bond over their discoveries.

  • S02E32 The Nursery Car

    • February 6, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids discover that a nursery car has been added to the train.

  • S02E33 Dry Times at Pteradon Terrace

    • February 8, 2012
    • PBS

    The family camp at Big Pond during a drought

  • S02E34 The Forest Fire

    • February 7, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids take a hike through the woods, where they observe life returning following a forest fire.

  • S02E35 Big Misty Sea Fishing Contest

    • February 8, 2012
    • PBS

    Dad takes part in a fishing contest.

  • S02E36 Rafting the Cretaceous

    • February 9, 2012
    • PBS

    Two refugees from across the Western Interior Sea arrive on a raft.

  • S02E37 Hurricane at Pteradon Terrace

    • February 9, 2012
    • PBS

    The family ride out a hurricane in a cave

  • S02E38 The Lost Bird

    • February 7, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids learn that the train has added an aviary car.

  • S02E39 Sunrise, Sunset

    • August 13, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids learn about nocturnal and diurnal animals while on an overnight camping trip with Dad.

  • S02E40 Dinos A-Z, Part 2: Spread the Word

    • May 14, 2012
    • PBS

    Part 2 of 4. Tiny thinks it would be fun to have a picnic with all the dinosaurs from the "Dinosaurs A to Z" song.

  • S02E41 Dinos A-Z, Part 1: The Big Idea

    • May 14, 2012
    • PBS

    Part 1 of 4. Tiny thinks it would be fun to have a picnic with all the dinosaurs from the "Dinosaurs A to Z" song.

  • S02E42 Dinos A-Z, Part 3: Classification

    • May 14, 2012
    • PBS

    Part 3 of 4. The Pteranodon kids learn about classification.

  • S02E43 Remember the Alamosaurus

    • August 13, 2012
    • PBS

    The kids meet some of the biggest dinosaurs, including Allie Alamosaurus.

  • S02E44 Dinos A-Z, Part 4: Picnic

    • May 14, 2012
    • PBS

    Conclusion. Don organizes the dinosaurs by species, features and size.

  • S02E45 Dinosaur Train Submarine: Otto Opthalmosaurus

    • February 18, 2013
    • PBS

    The family rides in a submarine.

  • S02E46 King Meets Crystal

    • February 19, 2013
    • PBS

    King is too nervous to talk to a singer named Crystal.

  • S02E47 All Kinds of Families

    • February 20, 2013
    • PBS

    Buddy bonds with another boy who was adopted.

  • S02E48 Dinosaur Train Submarine: Shoshana Shonosaurus

    • February 18, 2013
    • PBS

    The family rides the submarine to meet Shoshana Shonisaurus, a huge marine reptile, who helps Shiny overcome her fear of diving deep.

  • S02E49 Date Night

    • February 21, 2013
    • PBS

    The kids are left with a baby sitter for the first time.

  • S02E50 Dinosaur Train Submarine: Maisie Mosasaurus

    • February 18, 2013
    • PBS

    Maisie and Shiny bond when they find out neither one of them likes to go deep in the water.

  • S02E51 Dinosaur Train Submarine: A Sea Turtle Tale

    • February 18, 2013
    • PBS

    Baby Archelons learn their mother doesn't stay with them after they are born.

  • S02E52 Rocket Train

    • February 22, 2013
    • PBS

    The new Rocket Train races the Dinosaur Train.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Adventure Camp: Rafting

    • January 21, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E01 Adventure Camp: Mountain Climbing

    • January 21, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E02 Adventure Camp: Canyon Hiking

    • January 22, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E02 Adventure Camp: Ziplining

    • January 22, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E03 Classic in the Jurassic: Turtle and Theropod Race

    • August 18, 2014
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family travels to the “Classic in the Jurassic,” an Olympics type competition in which dinosaur teams representing the three Mesozoic time periods will compete in various contests. Today's competition is a race between turtle and theropod teams. When the fast theropods all get tangled up at the finish line, the race comes down to the slow moving turtles. It's an exciting race as the turtles are neck and neck! Who will win the race?

  • S03E03 Hungry, Hungry Carnivores

    • August 18, 2014
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny and Mrs. Pteranodon are eating lunch at Pteranodon Terrace, and even though they've just eaten a big fish meal, Buddy's still hungry. Mum understands that because Buddy is a carnivore he needs meat.

  • S03E04 Classic in the Jurassic: Air Obstacle Race

    • August 19, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E04 King and Crystal, Live!

    • August 19, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E05 Desert Day and Night

    • August 20, 2014
    • PBS

  • S03E05 Classic in the Jurassic: Air, Water, and Land

    • August 20, 2014
    • PBS

    It's time for the 'Classic in the Jurassic' - the Mesozoic Olympics. Today's "Air, Water and Land" contest is a three-part competition pitting teams consisting of a pterosaur and a crocodile from each Time Period against one another. Mrs. Pteranodon, Tiny and Shiny are recruited to help in one of the three "legs" of the race, while Buddy, Don and Dad watch from the stands.

  • S03E06 Classic in the Jurassic: Ultimate Face-off

    • August 21, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E06 Back in Time

    • August 21, 2014
    • PBS
  • S03E07 Solar Train

    • October 6, 2014
    • PBS

    Our Pteranodon family accompanies Mr. Conductor to the Troodon Town Roundhouse to meet up with Thurston Troodon, the Rocket Train's conductor. They all soon learn that Tricia Troodon, a young hotshot conductor, actually invited everyone there to see her new train - the Solar Train! The kids learn that it's powered by the sun! To test the train's performance, the three Conductors, along with the help of Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don, race the Dinosaur Train, Thurston's Rocket Train and Tricia's new Solar Train to the Triassic!

  • S03E07 Birdwatching

    • October 6, 2014
    • PBS

    Buddy and Tiny give Elliot Enantiornithine, a first timer on the Dinosaur Train, a tour of the Train. When they go through Laura Giganotosaurus' car, she explains to them that today is her bird watching/drawing day, but she hasn't found a single bird to watch. But, there's Elliot. He hams it up for Laura, who watches and draws him. This is so fun that Buddy and Tiny bring Laura to meet another bird friend-- Arlene Archeopteryx. Then Arlene and Elliot introduce the kids and Laura to a new bird named Peng Protopteryx! It's a successful birdwatching/drawing day as all three birds are delighted to show off their unique feathers.

  • S03E08 Cloudy with a Chance of Fun

    • October 6, 2014
    • PBS

    As the Pteranodon kids play in their family nest, Buddy stares at a sky full of clouds and asks the group, "What are clouds?" Mr. Pteranodon and his neighbor, Mr. Lambeosaurus, have different opinions. As they all get on the Dinosaur Train, they consider whether clouds are made of water or whether they're just made of fluff. Tiny knows who would have the facts--Mr. Conductor! He explains that clouds are made of billions of tiny drops of water that are so light they float in the air. He also takes the group to Cloudy Point Station where the kids play a cloud-spotting game, identifying the three types of clouds they learned about: cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. In the end, a rainstorm certainly proves that clouds are made of water!

  • S03E08 Rocket Train Surprise Party

    • October 6, 2014
    • PBS

    After Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn that it's Mr. Conductor's birthday, they decide to throw him a surprise party in his favorite place - the Dinosaur Train! The whole family plans the party, secretly riding the Rocket Train to pick up friends from all around the Mesozoic and gather ginkgo leaves for a special birthday cake. The party is a huge success - the Conductor is surprised and moved, and loves his tasty ginkgo leaf birthday cake.

  • S03E09 One Big Frog

    • October 27, 2014
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon kids are playing a game called "I'm the Biggest," which raises the question: how big is the biggest frog? Dad takes the kids on the Dinosaur Train to find the biggest frog ever, the legendary Beelzebufo.

  • S03E09 Caving with Vlad

    • October 27, 2014
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family rides the "Night Train" all the way back to the Jurassic Period to visit their nocturnal friend, Vlad Volaticotherium, who tells them that he wants to take them caving! Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don don't even know what caving is, but they are soon having a great time seeing all the beautiful stalactites and stalagmites that have formed inside the cave.

  • S03E10 Tiny's Fishing Friend

    • April 20, 2015
    • PBS

    Tiny can't believe it when he finds out that his friend Cindy Cimolestes doesn't like fish, but she explains that she's a mammal and many mammals don't eat fish. Determined, Tiny sets out to find a mammal in the Mesozoic who likes fish, so she, Buddy, Cindy and Dad set out on a fishing trip where they run into Cassie Castrocauda, a Jurassic mammal that looks like a cross between a beaver, an otter and a platypus, who also happens to love fish!

  • S03E10 Butterflies

    • April 20, 2015
    • PBS

    One morning at the family nest, Don befriends a butterfly that he names Dan. Don, Buddy, Tiny and Shiny watch Dan and three of his "sibling" butterflies fly around until suddenly they disappear, leaving Dan all alone. Don feels for the separated butterfly and vows to re-unite him with his siblings. After Mom and Dad give a quick lesson about butterfly camouflage, Don leads his own siblings all around the nest area searching for Dan the Butterfly's lost "sisters and brother." The whole time, Don keeps an eye on Dan, who camouflages himself when any threat (birds or a frog) are nearby.

  • S03E11 Best-Ever Babysitter

    • April 21, 2015
    • PBS

    Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don are excited that Keira Chirostenotes gets to babysit them for the night while Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon go out for a dinner on the Dinosaur Night Train. Keira shows the kids how a dead log's decomposition provides food and shelter for many living creatures. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Pteranodon are gleeful as they enjoy their date, exploring the Dinosaur Train's other compartments.

  • S03E11 Plant a Tree

    • April 21, 2015
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon kids are spending the day with Grandma and Grandpa Pteranodon! On the Dinosaur Train trip to their grandparents' place, Buddy, Tiny, Shiny and Don learn about sycamore trees. Grandma and Grandpa are excited to have a whole day with their grandkids and doubly-excited to do a special project with them.

  • S03E12 Zeppelin: Atoll

    • July 1, 2015
    • PBS
  • S03E12 Zeppelin: Waterfalls

    • July 1, 2015
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon kids are riding the Dinosaur Train with friend and fellow pterosaur, Quincy Quetzalcoatlus. When they pass by a waterfall, Buddy comments on how big it is. Quincy's dad mentions a giant waterfall at the edge of the Western Interior Sea. Mr. Conductor gives a lesson about waterfalls and then suggests a unique and amazing way to view the giant falls - from above.

  • S03E13 Zeppelin: Pangaea

    • July 1, 2015
    • PBS
  • S03E13 Zeppelin: Crater

    • July 1, 2015
    • PBS

Season 4

  • S04E01 Trains, Submarines and Zeppelins (2)

    • December 7, 2015
    • PBS

    Will Larry and Mr. Pteranodon stop bickering long enough to figure out a way home, or will they get stranded in the middle of nowhere and miss the family Winter Solstice Celebration?

  • S04E01 Trains, Submarines and Zeppelins (1)

    • December 7, 2015
    • PBS

    Mr. Pteranodon and Larry miss the last train home while they're collecting red platanoids at the Big Pond.

  • S04E02 Rollin' on the Riverboat (1)

    • March 7, 2016
    • PBS

    The whole family takes an adventure on the Dinosaur Train Riverboat.

  • S04E02 Rollin' on the Riverboat (2)

    • March 7, 2016
    • PBS

    Grandpa Pteranodon tells Buddy about the legend of Adm. Globidens.

  • S04E03 Nest Swap

    • March 8, 2016
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family swaps nests with a family of pterosaurs, but find they have little room.

  • S04E03 The Herd is the Word

    • March 8, 2016
    • PBS

    Tank searches for a quiet spot.

  • S04E04 Stop and Smell the Flowers

    • March 9, 2016
    • PBS

    Mom takes Tiny, Buddy and Don on a day trip, and they meet a Tyrannosaur with a long, thin snout covered with tiny horns.

  • S04E04 Moms' Campout

    • March 9, 2016
    • PBS

    Mr. Conductor challenges the kids to create games to get a new perspective on nature.

  • S04E05 Where Have All the Lizards Gone?

    • March 10, 2016
    • PBS

    The family takes a trip to Lizard Island.

  • S04E05 Conductor's Sleepover

    • March 10, 2016
    • PBS

    The Pteranodon family invites the Conductor to stay with them during a hurricane.

  • S04E06 Junior Conductors Academy (1)

    • April 6, 2016
    • PBS

    Buddy is disappointed when a new kid at the Junior Conductor's Academy is smarter than him.

  • S04E06 Junior Conductors Academy (2)

    • April 6, 2016
    • PBS

    Buddy and his new friend, Dennis, work together to pass a series of tests.

  • S04E07 Crystal and King Benefit Concert (1)

    • April 25, 2016
    • PBS

    Crystal and the King organize a benefit concert to prevent over-fishing of the Big Pond.

  • S04E07 Crystal and King Benefit Concert (2)

    • April 25, 2016
    • PBS

    Crystal gets stage fright when she's getting ready to perform at the concert.

  • S04E08 Spooky Tree

    • October 17, 2016
    • PBS

    Shiny invites Annie Tyrannosaurus to Pteranodon Terrace for a sleepover, but all Annie wants to do is investigate the "spooky tree" that Don says "comes alive at night." All Shiny wants to do is stay as far away from the tree as possible. Can the kids get to the bottom of the mysterious tree, and figure out if it really comes alive at night?

  • S04E08 Spinosaurus Super Model

    • October 17, 2016
    • PBS

    When Don stumbles across a stick that looks EXACTLY like Old Spinosaurus, he's determined to have the grumpy old dinosaur pose for his sculpture (so he can get the Spinosaurus's features exactly right). But when they arrive at Old Spinosaurus's home, he makes it clear that there's no way he's posing for anything. Can Don convince Old Spinosaurus to pose for his sculpture, or will Don have to come up with another plan?