Eine attraktive Frau, kurz über 40, bittet Kommissar Mori, einen ehemaligen Schulkameraden ausfindig zu machen. Kurz darauf finden Sie den gesuchten Mann tot in seiner Wohnung.
An old but pretty woman comes in Kogoro's office, asking him to find the address of her first love. Kogoro gets very interested in her,and Conan quickly finds out the address. Conan is also suspicious about this woman because he noticed that she kept telling lies-- saying that she wasn't married when her ring finger was thinner and saying that she never cooked when she could recognize different kinds of fish just by looking at the gills. But when they arrive, they find an open door. And the open door revealed a bloody crime scene-- the woman's first love lies dead on the floor.
Une femme demande à Kogorō de retrouver un ancien ami, qu'elle a connu il y a plus de 30 ans. Après avoir obtenu son adresse, ils se rendent à son appartement. Son voisin le découvre décédé, une blessure à la tête et une photo de la cliente dans la main. Conan a remarqué que la dame a menti à plusieurs occasions.
Una donna si presenta da Kogoro per chiedergli di rintracciare un suo vecchio amico che possiede una sua foto. Kogoro riesce a trovare l'abitazione dell'uomo ma questi è stato ucciso e tra le mani ha la foto che la donna stava cercando. Conan si accorge che la donna sta raccontando molte bugie sulla sua vita.
Una mujer aparece en la oficina de Kogoro y le pide que busque a un señor que fue su amigo en su juventud que tenía una foto de ella. Cuando encuentran en apartamento del señor, lo encuentran muerto.