Ein bekannter Schauspieler wird in seiner Garderobe ermordet aufgefunden. Gleich drei Schauspielerkollegen behaupten, dass sie die Tat begangen haben.
It appears that following the murder of Komiyama, three people stepped forward as the murderer. However, which one of the three is the actual murderer? Katsumata Kengo, Niikura Yumiko, and Hoshino Hariyuki all had a motive, and when questioned by the police, all three admitted to the murder.
Katsumata Kengo struck him over the head with a vase after being angered by the man and moved his body into the utility closet. However, Hoshino Haruyuki likewise admitted to murdering the man after being told that Yumiko would never be his by Komiyama and then hit him over the head with... a vase. While at school, Niikura Yumiko admits that Komiyama made a pass at her and came after her at the school and getting frightened, struck him over the head... with a vase.
So who is the actual killer?!? It's up to Conan to help Mouri Kogorou and the police solve the case of the four times killed man.
Un acteur a été tué. La police a cependant du mal à démêler le vrai du faux, lorsque 3 personnes, chacune à son tour, admettent avoir commis le meurtre de la même façon.
Yokomizo chiede aiuto a Kogoro circa un caso di omicidio: un uomo è stato assassinato, ma tre persone hanno confessato il delitto. Tutte e tre le persone lo hanno colpito alla testa con un vaso e sono convinte di averlo ucciso.
Kogoro junto a Ran y Conan es invitado a participar en la investigación de la muerte de un actor famoso, liderada por el detective Shisouka. El caso se vuelve confuso al interrogar a las 3 personas que estaban en el edificio con él, ya que cada uno individualmente se dice ser el asesino.